
Sep 20, 2008 02:01

Living life to the fullest does not take planning. It is a life lived moment by moment, where you don't worry about what you think is supposed to happen next and that there's always a vast future lying before you.  The future is made by the present's small vibrations amplified over time.  To want a simple life is to take away from that which makes up life.  People are by far the most common agent that lead you down the most unpredictable paths.  Best make sure your interactions with them are good ones because eventually, what you've passed around will grow faster than anything you can spend your whole lifetime working on.  The more you do and the earlier you do it creates an unstoppable exponential growth that seems small and worthless at the very beginning, but can have inestimable value when it ripens.  Nothing else can compare to the worth people bring into life.
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