Title: Bat Seal of Approval - Dick
Author: Wisia
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from the DC universe.
Rating: K
Verse: Worship/Chasing Red Robin/Bat Seal of Approval
Summary: Tim doesn’t know this, but Kon actually gained the Bat Seal of Approval before he “died”. Worship Verse! Robin Reversal!
Characters/Pairings: Tim/Kon
Secondary Characters: Dick
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: Too much giddy feelings to write angst. Well, here’s Dick. This is set in time before “Revelation”.
Robin was a cheerful person. He was usually in a good mood and the fact he was in Kon’s room with an entirely serious face wasn’t a good thing. If Kon was smarter, he would have ran and just plain get out of there. As it was, he was trapped. In his room. With Robin. Looking at him.
“Kon, I need to talk to you.”
He cringed but nodded. “Okay. What do you want to talk about?”
With that, Robin shut the door firmly and took a seat at Kon’s desk, swiveling in the chair.
“Someone told me that you like my brother-Red Robin.”
And Kon really should have just run. He should have punched a hole into the wall and up, up and away.
“Where did you hear that?” Kon was proud that he managed to sound calm, but Robin had the keenest expression in the white out lens of his eyes. He wondered who the hell told Robin? Was it Cassie? Or Bart? They just wanted him to die, didn’t they?
“My brother,” Robin stated.
Oh yeah, screwed. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to follow the man around and cheered as he took out some baddies last week. Though personally, Kon would have loved his own personal cheering team.
“What do you plan to do about it?” And Robin was tapping a batarang against Kon’s desk in a steady rhythm, legs swinging in tandem.
“Uh…,” Kon stared. Maybe he took this entire liking Red Robin thing a bit far. “Date him?”
Robin frowned, and Kon had a feeling he was going to be stabbed right then and there with kryptonite.
“I plan to date him, okay. I’ve been sending him flowers and visiting him and…” Kon babbled on. He didn’t want to die. He didn’t want to die. He really didn’t want to die.
And all of sudden Robin’s frown erupted into the widest crack your face in half smile. “Okay! I just want to know if you’re serious.”
Kon blinked. “Well, I-“
“It’s fine!” Robin grinned and jumped off the chair with a bounce. “Don’t worry about Batman!”
He handed Kon the batarang. “I give you the Official Bat Seal of Approval! Go ahead. Date my brother.”
Robin was still smiling as he left. “And remember if you make my brother cry, we’ll all get you. Have a nice day!”