Why are you all I think about?
Why are you always on my mind?
You are always in my thoughts
That with everything else I am behind
With everything I do
I wonder if you will do the same
I wonder what my life would be like
If in it you never came
Why are you suddenly of so much importance?
Why do I care so much about you
When you could care less
About anything I do
Why can’t we make this work
I know we could be something great
Why do you have to be such a jerk
And never once ask me on a date
If only once you agreed
That we could be more than we are
My heart would sore beyond the clouds
It would fly so far
I know you know that we’re more than just friends
But you are full of fear
I hope you want me as much as I want you
Either way it will bring a tear
If you do a tear of happiness
It would the greatest thing in the world
If not, I understand
You want another girl
Just keep in mind
I’m always here
And no matter what
I’ll love you far or near