Don't feel too terribly well. Don't know if I ate something, picked up a virus, or have finally stressed myself to the point that it's coming across as physical symptoms.
There are days I wish I'd never started this Masters program, I swear. Especially since I don't feel like I'm learning anything I really want to do for the rest of my life. *grumble*
nightwolfwriter's old laptop that my daughter has been using since 2005 is trying to die. I think we bought that one in 1999 or maybe 2000, so it's had a relatively long life. So
nightwolfwriter and I have been trying to decide how to go about replacing it. Yes, we can give her another hand me down computer, but since she is really getting into (and staying interested in) digital art, Apples seem to be the way to go for that. We priced some iMacs and I have to admit, I'm impressed. I wish I'd have thought about it earlier when my desktop died and I had to replace it. Maybe then I wouldn't be fighting with the Vista beast I have now. Oh well. It's something to keep in mind for the next time we have to replace or upgrade. Also, if the daughter unit gets/likes the iMac, I will have an opportunity to play around with one before the next computer crisis occurs. ;-)
I've been in a class for work for the last three weeks. Yesterday everyone was a little slap-happy and some really bad jokes were being tossed around:
A Horse walks into a bar. The bartender said, "Why the long face?"
Two peanuts walked into a bar. One was assaulted.
Three guys walked into a bar. You'd think after the first one, the other two would have figured it out.
A termite walked into a bar and asked a patron, "Is the bartender here?"
There's an annual event here in Columbia called
Wine in the Woods. nightwolfwriter and I haven't ever attended it, but the whole family has great fun adulterating the title to "Whine in the Woods". I don't waaaannnaaah go to the wooods... I think in the past
nightwolfwriter was at a convention during this weekend. Maybe we'll go someday. In the meantime we'll make fun of it. Even the daughter unit can get in on the fun that way. ;-) Makes the merry month of May that much merrier. ;-)