Happy NaNo!
Last night was three solid hours (not counting breaks which accounted for the other half hour of class) of my instructor talking nonstop. He's not quite in the Micro-Machine Man league, but he doesn't come up for air often. I think I may have to re-listen to this class session and take better notes. One thing I really hate about this college program is the lateness of many of the classes. Sometimes it's all I can do not to nod off. The classes are interesting, but between staying up late and getting up at the crack of dawn to get the daughter off to school...
nighwolfwriter was rear-ended last night when he went to pick up the daughter from a friend's house. The good news was the person who hit him has insurance, and no one in either car was hurt.
So I'm home this morning waiting for the insurance office to open so I can call. If I'm lucky, maybe they can look at it today.