I had my first Internal Protection (IP) session this evening while
nightwolfwriter and the daughter unit went to the
Fidos Halloween party. We had to sit through the tedium of class introductions but it was pretty good all the same. It's also the largest class I've had so far. There are 25 of us in the class with attendees from Hawaii to St. Louis, to here on the East Coast.
Looks like IP's workload is going to be a little heavy, but I was expecting that. And to tell the truth (as long as I don't get hung up again) I don't mind. I've always enjoyed application better than theory. This will also be my first class requiring a group project. Joy. :-p
The contractor contacted me today. Seems they have rescheduled all the crews, so the kitchen will not be touched until after Thanksgiving (cuss, spit, rude comment.) Building skills these people may have, but great communicators they are not. Ah, well. This will teach me to ask questions sooner instead of just wondering why everything ground to a halt. It's too bad. They were doing so well up to now.
Other than that there isn't a lot to tell. I still have to put the finishing touches on my presentation for Malicious Software, and I have to download some stuff for Internal Protection. Oh, and I did have to sit through a really dull class today. I'm the alternate property person in my office, so I had to learn how to make queries on a Database I'll probably never use. *headdesk again*
Since next Wednesday is Halloween, there's no Fidos. Just as well since my daughter wants to go Trick or Treating with some friends up in Clarksville. And here I thought she'd be getting a little big for this. I guess not yet. Then again my daughter doesn't seem overly enthusiastic about the idea of growing up, either. ;-)
One final note--I've been toying with discontinuing the Garfield avatars, or at least making my collection a little more varied. Or maybe I'll just buy the space for 100 userpics and be done with it. Lord knows I've eyed it often enough. Does anyone have an opinion one way or the other? (Extra userpics, keeping the Garfield theme or inviting a few others to play). I know it's silly, but I do love my icons! It will be another thing with which to fill my copious spare time. ;-)