The Knight Bus from Harry Potter was
in Baltimore yesterday. I looked at the drive and the time and considered parking and the light rail, then sighed and asked my daughter if she'd care to go witness it.
She said "no."
It took me a second to register I said, I was already planning ways to get around all the catastrophes that a drive into the city can entail. Especially Friday afternoon when all the commuters are out in force.
It took me a few seconds, but I finally registered what she said. Turning, I asked, "why?"
(Are you ready for this?)
She informed me that Harry irritated her in book 5.
I said, "Oh, really?"
She said, "Yeah. He was a total Emo Angst Muffin."
(I don't know why but this struck me as hysterically funny. Luckily I managed not to laugh in her face.) ;-)
So we didn't go. *sigh* Call me sentimental, but I couldn't help but smile when I recalled the girl who just had to attend the Birthday Party Border's Booksellers threw for Harry Potter a few summers ago.