First serious mishap with new scarf :-(

Sep 25, 2006 18:54

My cats have evidently decided my yarn is a plaything. I think this is going to cost me about two or three inches on the daughter unit's scarf. *grumble, cuss, rude comment*

I'd tell you about it, but mollymorrison already has the whole scene logged and documented (with photos, yet!) over on her knitting blog. Why create when you can link? *snicker*

This is the second time the scarf has been attacked. The first time I got off easy. The yarn on the skein was a little roughed up a few inches down. I was close enough to finishing a stripe that I could just finish, cut off the damaged part, and move on. This time I'm going to have to take out the white stripe I was working on, and about half of the red stripe under it. Bummer. :-(

Ah, well. Time to take the daughter unit to dance class. Another reason to link instead of create...



rl, knitting

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