My house appears to be spontaneously generating more stuff for me to do. Every time I think I have a handle on something or I can declare a room done, I don't or I can't.
Most annoying.
I went in to work this morning for a while. I think I've finally settled in a cubicle for now so I took the opportunity to drag all my stuff back in. I had to move out of the quad I was sitting in when I went to the summer workshop in New Mexico. There really wasn't anywhere to store my things while I was gone so I just brought it home. It gave me a chance to sort it, anyway. I had some books and things that really don't pertain to my current position.
Once I got home I made lunch for
nightwolfwriter and the daughter unit. The daughter had some friends over today so
nightwolfwriter and I unpacked some things and surveyed the jumbled mess we have in our garage. Both the contractors simply tossed our things in a pile in the garage rather than stacking them with anything resembling neatness. So far the damage has been minimal, but my Rubbermaid storage bins have seen better days. Some of them might be able to be salvaged, but I'm afraid we may have to replace some that have been bent out of shape. There's also more stuff to sort into toss, donate, and keep. We've done a decent job with the clutter busting if I do say so myself. You should have seen the pile of books we tagged for donation. Seriously. It was an historic occasion. :-)
I found my Halloween and Christmas stuff. I hope we might be able to actually decorate this year. That would be cool. I also found my old cake decorating supplies. :-)
Now, I think it's time to sleep so I can get up and start over in the morning. :-p