(no subject)

Nov 16, 2012 08:13

I've woken up feeling a bit down in the dumps. Had a great night last night. It was meant to be 'free' as we won 5 pints in a quiz, but between extra rounds, fast food, taxis and my change from a twenty mysteriously ending up not back in my purse I've gone and spent £35. Mmm.

So I'm not going out now until my next gig.

I'm also a bit worried about my dad who has taken on some difficult work in Saudi Arabia. He'll be working high up, in considerable heat. He might have to miss Christmas. Then, when that's over, he may have to go to Russia and work in intense cold.

I'm feeling sad at the state of the world too. I inadvertently stumbled across the image of baby Ranan, burned in the bombing in Gaza the other day, taken just before she died. Poor mite. I'm feeling horrified, and full of despair. I am doubtful of some of the official reports coming from over there because things don't seem to ring true when faced with the evidence of that poor little girl.

And I think, well that should put my problems in perspective. But no, I really am worried about my dad. He's just a simple metal basher and has bashed metal in some strange and scary places. Communist Czechoslovakia... Florida... but in my talk on witches the other day I was able to relate that one country beheaded a woman as a witch as recently as last December. Yep, Saudi Arabia. I'm sure that won't happen to my dad, but he's one of those people who ends up bearing the brunt of other people's prejudices, awkwardness and illogical behaviour, quite often. And it perplexes him, like a Black Country Victor Meldrew.

I've just warned him not to snog Uncle Dave on the beach.

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

frugal, christmas

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