Day 4 - A Pokemon that makes you sad.
For this one, I actually had to think about it. But I finally decided on a Pokemon. D:
Mew. Mew doesn't exactly make me sad, but more nostilgic. Of course I loved Mew when I was younger. I used to have this talking Mew plush where she'd move her eyes and just make the cutest darn sounds. But in all my moves I had to make in the past couple years I lost her. :C So that makes me a little sad. And well, the first Pokemon movie made me cry so hard as a kid. D;
Day 1 - Your favorite Pokemon.
Day 2 - Your least favorite Pokemon.
Day 3 - A Pokemon that makes you happy.
Day 4 - A Pokemon that makes you sad.
Day 5 - A Pokemon that looks like someone you know.
Day 6 - A Pokemon that resembles you.
Day 7 - A Pokemon that you're embarrassed about using.
Day 8 - A Pokemon that you know everything about.
Day 9 - A Pokemon that you have a plushie of.
Day 10 - The first Pokemon you ever caught.
Day 11 - A Pokemon that's always part of your team.
Day 12 - A Pokemon that no one would expect you to have.
Day 13 - Create your own Pokemon (appearance, attacks, type, etc).
Day 14 - A Pokemon you can't seem to capture.
Day 15 - A Pokemon that you got by trading with someone else.
Day 16 - A Pokemon that you used to love but don't use so much anymore. -
Day 17 - A Pokemon that you think is super cute.
Day 18 - A Pokemon that you wish could be one of the 3 starters.
Day 19 - A Pokemon from your favorite species (cat, dog, wolf, fox, etc).
Day 20 - A Pokemon that makes you angry.
Day 21 - A Pokemon that shouldn't be able to be a female.
Day 22 - A Pokemon that scares you.
Day 23 - Your favorite legendary Pokemon.
Day 24 - A Pokemon whose appearance makes you laugh.
Day 25 - Your favorite Pokemon rival.
Day 26 - Your favorite Pokemon trainer.
Day 27 - Your least favorite Pokemon trainer.
Day 28 - A Pokemon that you used to hate but now love.
Day 29 - A Pokemon that you would never use.
Day 30 - Your favorite Pokemon type.