Title: Tell Me You Love Me
Rating: PG-15 to be safe, strong Language
Pairing/Focus: Onew, Jongho, ninja
Summary: In the movies, when a singer lost their voice, all you had to do was break the shell and they got it back, and everyone lived happily ever after, lesson learned. But movies aren't real, and when a voice leaves, sometimes it doesn't want
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i love taekey. i bothers me a lot that ppl cant see them as a couple because of their umma/son relationship, but like, they're not related. lol. so im glad someone who's on the other side of that ship liked them =)
I'm writing chapter 12 right now, but idk when it will be done. so maybe Jongho will save Jinki this time....
lol thanks for reading!
is that so :3
*sneaks off*
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