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Mar 06, 2011 22:46

OMG drabbles!

So my writing has been shoddy lately, and in order to fix that, i wrote drabbles to make it so. IDK if its worked yet, but have these as an apology.

Chapter 10 is being a tricky fish, so i'll need a bit more time to finish. Also, Dragon Age 2 is coming out on the 8th, and i might have an aneurysm if i don't play it.

BUT, there are lots of these, so i hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Shinee, unfortunately.

1.ontae -


Jinki purred as his baby writhed under him, the lithe dancer’s body moving to an unknown beat as the younger tried to get the older to do something, anything.

"Hyung!" Taemin pleaded, clenching his internal muscles to try and get his leader to move, but Onew just chuckled and remained still.

"That's not what I told you to call me, Agi," the older man purred, running his hands up the younger boy’s sides, tickling him slightly before leaning down to lick at one of the pretty, little nubs Taemin had never thought of as sensitive before Jinki had reached under his shirt to tease one earlier that day. The younger boy twisted and cried out, nearly sobbing in frustration.

"Jinki-hyung, please! It's embarrassing!"

The older boy sighed, pulling up and grabbing the base of his erection, "I guess you just don't want this as much as you said," the leader muttered, slowly pulling out of the dancer. He was halfway out when Taemin let out a broken sob of defeat and wrapped his delicious, edible thighs which were red from where the older boy had sucked and nibbled on them earlier.

"Appa! Appa, please, I need you, Jinki-appa, please!" Onew barely waited for the younger boy to finish his half sobbed plea before he slammed back inside.

"I'm right here, Agi," he whispered, kissing the tears that had leaked out of Taemin’s eyes. "I’ve got you.”

“Appa,” Taemin whimpered, squirming some more before using his oh so sinfully flexible body to hook a leg over Jinki’s shoulder and pull him in closer. “Harder, Appa, please!”

“Anything for my Agi,” Jinki whispered as he put more force behind his movement. Taemin might not be able to walk tomorrow, and Jinki might be kicked to the couch because of it, but this was so worth it.

2. ontae


Sometimes Taemin hated his fans. Sure, they showered him with their gifts and their love, but sometimes he just hated them. The ones he hated most, but only sometimes, were the ones who came to fan signings with fanfiction. Him and Minho-hyung, or him with Onew-hyung. Fanfiction happened, Taemin knew that, and while he didn't embrace it as much as Key-umma did, he didn't despise it like Jonghyun. It's just that sometimes when he got them he read them, and the fans always made him the woman. Sometimes, he would get so angry that he wouldn't talk to the rest of the band until they got home, and then he'd slam doors and kick things, be grumpy and snappy at the older boys, because sometimes he hated being pretty.

Then sometimes, when he was that angry, he'd go to bed early, only to wake up way later because he forgot to eat dinner, and Jinki would be waiting for him in the kitchen. Jinki would slide to his knees the moment he saw Taemin and beg the younger to use him anyway he wanted. And sometimes, Taemin would. He'd order the older boy to suck him off under the table as he ate, then he'd bend his leader over the counter and fuck him with anything he found that would humiliate the older man; a hairbrush, a carrot, or his fingers, until he was hard again or until Jinki came, then he'd push into him as his leader called him oppa and begged for him with his pretty, debauched lips and his deep, manly voice. Sometimes Taemin would make Jinki beg for his cock like the slut he never used to be; sometimes he'd spank the older man until his beautiful ass was cherry red and burning hot.

Sometimes, Taemin would go back to bed after he came, leaving the older boy to clean up, sometimes still hard and throbbing. Sometimes Jinki would beg Taemin not to stop, not to leave him like that, but he usually stays silent.

Jinki would always slip into bed next to him when Taemin was in a bad mood; he would hug him tightly and whisper how much they all loved him and Jinki thought he was a man, and he'd find the younger boy some fanfiction tomorrow where he topped. And Taemin would roll over because he was still mad, but he’s push his back into the older boys chest, and they would fall asleep like that.

Sometimes in the morning, if Taemin had treated his hyung badly the night before, he’d get up with Key and attempt to cook breakfast just for Jinki. He’d aegyo Key into helping/doing everything then beg him not to tell, but he sometimes did anyway.

3. Onho -

Getting Clean is almost as fun as Getting dirty

"H-hyung!" a startled cry rang out through the steamy bathroom, followed by a dark, slightly perverted giggle.

"Shhh, Minho-goon, we need to be sure you’re clean everywhere," Onew cooed, scissoring the fingers he had inside the taller boy. "You don't want to go to bed dirty, do you?"

"But Hyung-" Minho cut himself off with an exhausted keen, collapsing onto his forearms when his leader twisted his digits and pushed them in at a new angle. This wasn't supposed to be happening, he thought hazily as he felt Jinki remove the fingers inside him and spread his legs wider. He was too tall to bottom, his arms were too muscular, but that didn't stop him from moaning like a slut as Onew pushed his big, big "oh god, you’re so big!" cock inside of him, spreading his legs wide to try and get the older boy deeper.

“Fuck, Hyung,” his mouth hung open as he panted into the steamed up air, moaning as every breath he took just reminded him of how full he was. His leader chuckled behind him, licking up the younger boy’s neck before sucking on the shell of his ear, causing the taller one to shiver and moan again as he accidentally clenched around his leader’s thick cock that he could feel inside of him, throbbing along to the older man’s pulse, and he pushed back against it whorishly. His fogged up mind couldn’t remember if the older boy had touched his dick or anything yet, but he was achingly hard, possibly just from having his fucking leader inside of him, filling him up so good.

"Ssshhhh, Minho-goon," Jinki whispered, shoving his fingers into the rapper’s mouth as he started to move, drawing a muffled whine from the younger boy. "Next time, don't go to bed without showering and I won't have to help you get clean."

4. tofuho -

Playing in the Dark

Minho crept into Jinki’s room later that night when he was sleeping. Minho curled himself around the sleeping man, brushing some hair out of his eyes. Jinki was so sweet and innocent. He blushed every time Minho held his hand. It was hard not to just ravage the older boy. To throw him down on the nearest surface and fuck him into oblivion, other people be damned. Shaking his head, the rapper sighed; there was no way he could do that to the naïve leader he held in his arms.

Slipping under the covers, Minho sighed when he noticed the older man hadn’t changed out of his clothes from earlier. As gently as he could, he rolled the sleeping man onto his back. Being as quiet as possible, the rapper worked his leader’s pants off, throwing them somewhere in the room. He froze when he saw it, his throat going completely dry. His gaze flickered up to the older man’s face then back down, tilting his head to the side.

Jinki was completely hard, and almost as big as Minho was. But his eyes grew to the glow in the fucking dark toy the little tease was wearing, while he was fucking sleeping no less. The cock ring was attached to some kind of anal plug or something, and the whole object buzzed quietly. The rapper nearly bit through his lip as he stared at the older man. This was the man who giggled like a school girl when Minho kissed his cheek? This was the man who squirmed and squealed about how it’s embarrassing when Minho tried to make out with him on the couch? Minho glared and shut the toy off, causing Jinki to let out a disappointed moan, shifting in his sleep and sniffing, clearly a sign of waking up.

“Jinki~” he purred, undoing the toy and pulling it out, “you little slut, wake up~”

“Minho?” the older man groaned, frowning sleepily and blinking. “What are you-ah!” he arched his back as something hot and hard and bigger than his toy slid into him. “God, Minho, what?”

“You’re such a fucking little slut, Hyung,” Minho hissed, nearly biting through his lips at how hot and tight the older man was. “You shy away from me when I touch you but you wear a fucking vibrator to bed?” Jinki arched his back and spread his legs wider.

“Harder please! Oh god, you’re big~” he moaned, still half asleep. Minho smirked and did as he was told. Tomorrow, they were so going to make out on the couch, whether Jinki liked it or not.

5. Jongyu -

Home Alone

"You are tiny and insignificant compared to my dick, Jonghyun!” Jinki’s shout of triumph from the computer room carried all the way into Jonghyun’s room, where he sat totally not reading one of Minho’s books on Minho’s bed because his wasn’t made. Nope. The sudden noise almost made him drop the book he wasn’t holding because he was supposed to be alone, and when the statement registered in his brain he didn’t even care about putting the book back as he ran into the computer room.

“What lies are you shouting?!” the lead singer yelled, throwing the book at the oldest boy, who attempted to dodge, but failed miserably and not only got hit by the book, but fell over in the rolly chair onto his back.

“Shit, sorry Hyung!” Jjong yelled, rushing in to see if the older man was okay. Jinki rolled out of the chair to flop onto the floor like a corpse. Jjong hovered over him, feeling guilty.

“If you’re really sorry, get down here with me~” Jinki groaned, watching through half open eyes as Jonghyun sighed exaggeratedly and kneeled down on the floor. Jinki reached up quickly and grabbed the back of the younger boy’s head, pulling it down to press firmly against the bulge in Jinki’s pants.

“Worship me,” the older one groaned, bucking his hips to rub his cloth covered erection against Jonghyun’s cheek.

“Fuck you, Hyung,” the singer sputtered, trying to pull away from the perverted older man, but he was too strong. Stronger than he looked. “Let me go, this is soooo not cool~”

“Oh, shut up and blow me, Jonghyun,” Jinki moaned, reaching down with his other hand, pushing his sweats down enough to pull out his cock. “Look, it’s all happy to see you,” he purred, rubbing the leaking tip against the younger man’s sealed lips. Jonghyun jerked his head away, smirking, a strip or pre-cum across his blushing cheek.

“You’re such a pervert, Hyung, god,” he seethed, but licked his lips anyway. Jinki smirked and forced his head back.

“Shut up. I know you want this, so be a good little boy and open your fucking mouth.” Jonghyun snarled, but the older man slipped his hand from the younger boy’s hair to his jaw and forced it open, thrusting inside roughly, sliding all the way to the back of the singer’s throat.

“Oh my fucking god, Jonghyun. Why do you make me play games like this?” he hissed. “You’re just-Fuck-” Jinki broke off as the younger boy swallowed around him. Looks like he won this time, too.

6. Jongyu -


“Who’s a pretty bunny?” Jonghyun cooed, snapping another picture on his phone. Sure, he was probably going to have to delete it before the day was over, but the pictures were for Jinki, anyway. Knowing there was evidence that he had bent so much to Jonghyun’s will made his whole body flush with shame. It was cute, really. “Now stay still so your master can give you a present.”

“Fuckin’-Jonghyun, don’t~” the older boy whined, squirming on the bed. His hands were cuffed in front of him, and being even remotely bound always made Onew hard and squirmy, which had knocked his ears off. Jonghyun had gotten huffy and fled the room, much to his leader’s dismay, only to return later with his hands behind his back.

“Roll over, Tokki,” Jonghyun commanded, grabbing the older boy’s shoulders and spinning him on the bed. “Good boy.” Jinki rolled his eyes, pulling his arms up to rest his head on them as Jonghyun stroked his legs and grabbed a handful of his butt.

“You have the nicest ass,” the younger man complimented, giving it a squeeze. “Now hold still~” The older boy’s sigh swiftly turned into a grunt as something started pushing inside of him.

“Jjong, I said don’t~” he whined pathetically, trying to squirm away. He was punished with a sharp slap on the ass as something soft and fluffy rested against his inner thighs. “Nng…w-what did you do?” he whimpered, trembling.

“God, you’re such a whore for things inside you, aren’t you, Hyung?” Jonghyun moaned, rubbing his cloth covered erection against the soft white of the bunny tail that protruded from the older boy, pushing the plug in a little deeper.

“Fuck,” the older boy moaned, pushing back against the penetrating sensation, “J-Jonghyun~” The singer just hummed, placing the bunny ears back on Onew’s head, and trailing kisses down the older man’s back until the fluffy tail tickled his nose.

“Do you think I could fit in there, too?” the smaller boy questioned, rubbing a dry finger along his leader’s stretched entrance. Reaching around to grasp the eldest’s thick cock, Jonghyun gave it a slight squeeze, before leaning down and running his tongue along where Jinki’s entrance met the toy. The older man let out a strangled noise, his whole body heating up, but it was nothing compared to how it felt when Jonghyun pushed that hot, wet muscle inside, right next to the plug.

“Ah!” Onew cried out, caught between twisting away from the embarrassing experience and pushing back on the singer’s face, his body craving the pleasurable burn he got from being stretched open. “Jjong, god, please~” The younger man pulled away with a slurp, just to sound disgusting, sucking on the rim lightly before sitting up and wiping his mouth.

“Thought you’d like that idea,” he muttered, and shoved three, well lubed fingers in next to the bunny tail, making Jinki scream out, and making everyone else in the dorm wish they weren’t there.

7. minkey

Blank Canvas

Minho always did things with a focused air about him. If he was going to do something, it was going to be done right, and quite possible it was going to be the best fucking thing to ever happen. Key thanked the heavens above that he brought that attitude into the bedroom with him.

The first time they’d had sex, they’d both been a bit fumbled, But Minho had taken it upon himself to research, to find out what position would make it easier on Kibum, what lube to buy, what condoms to use. Hell, the boy had even taken Key out to dinner beforehand; probably bribed the other members to leave and let them be. Needless to say, it had been perfect, and Minho ran him a bubble bath and there was snuggling and everything.

It wasn’t until later that Key figured out that A), Minho only did that romantic shit for him, and B), the slightly younger man had a thing with Key’s skin, which led them here: with Key naked on what he could only assume was the most comfortable canvas cloth Minho could find. Where he’d found it, Key would never know, or even care about. He’d attempted to ask, once, only to be shushed quite quickly and forced onto the covered bed.

So there he lay, writhing and arching as Minho dragged the soft brushes up and down his skin, dragging thick wet paint after them. They’d been at this for what felt like hours, the taller boy worshipping his skin, licking it here and there, before swiping some color of paint along where he’d just been. He couldn’t possible have any skin left bare. Key was already half hard under the loving ministrations; he squirmed and stretched, like a cat on a lazy afternoon. A giggle left the older boy’s lips as the wet brushes slid across his abdomen, the slight muscles contracting under the cold.

“Mmm, Minho,” the diva sighed, “what are you writing?”

“My name,” the younger boy’s voice was tight and rough, like he was having a hard time controlling himself. Opening his eyes lazily, Key glanced at him, his eyebrows rising slightly. Minho’s face was flushed red, his eyes blown wide with lust as he stared at his name written in…Key looked down and smiled softly, pearlescent, sky blue paint.

“You okay?” Key murmured sleepily, spreading his legs like the minx he was, just to watch the way it made Minho shudder. The younger boy groaned and carefully placed his tools aside, sliding between the slightly older rapper’s painted thighs and leaning down to kiss him lazily.

“I’m going to make you scream,” he rumbled as he licked and sucked on the only patch of skin on Key’s neck that wasn’t covered in paint. He didn’t wait for a response as he lined himself up to Key’s entrance and pushed in. It wasn’t romantic and Key would have been angry later, but right now all he could do is writhe and push up against the bigger male, smearing paint on him, too, because they had fucked earlier, after Minho had made breakfast, and Key was still stretched and wet from that.

8. Minkey -


It was a nightmare, going to bed alone. Key was still in the medical ward, his body too still under the soft, glowing lights. The skin that wasn’t covered in casts and bandages was bruised or burned.

It had been his mistake, though it hadn’t really. They were never supposed to be on the front lines, but Jinki had run away and Jonghyun had gone after him, leaving them and Taemin behind. Taemin needed cover and the only ones he trusted were Minho and Key. While Minho would have gladly let the others squirm because it was their fault Taemin didn’t work well with them, Taemin was too good a person.

There had been an explosion of some kind. Key had yelled out, and then there had been pain and Minho woke up in the hospital two weeks later. Taemin had accomplished the mission, but he was in the brig because the only people he’d bothered to save were Minho and Key. The doctors said that the younger boy had forced dying soldiers to carry them back, so maybe he wasn’t that good of a person.

It’d been three weeks since he woke up, to find that Key had pushed him out of the way of the blast, and taken the full force. Minho visited his battered body every day to watch for signs of improvement, before trudging down to see how Taemin was faring. Then, he would go back home and wait for Jonghyun and Jinki to come home maybe, before falling asleep alone.

That night was like any other; Minho was curled up on Key’s side of the bed, which was depressingly starting to smell more like him and less like the diva he loved. He was trying to sleep, but he’d been trying to sleep for weeks and he usually only ended up staring at the wall. Slowly, the door to his bedroom creaked open, and the young boy shot up, eyes searching the dark to see who was at his door.

“Jonghyun-hyung?” he called, “Jinki-sshi?” No answer. “Taeminnie?” The door closed.

Minho held his breath; there was no way. Key hadn’t exactly been brain dead, but he hadn’t responded to anything the doctors or Minho had been doing. Hell, Minho had even tried to compel him to wake up; nothing. He’d been level 2 with his omega brainwaves; a barely functioning psychic. There was no way he could possibly be aware enough to attempt projection, and certainly not one this far. But the bed creaked under an unknown weight, and an invisible hand ghosted up over Minho’s naked leg. The boy let out a heavy sigh and relaxed onto the bed. The hands may have been cooler than normal, but there was no mistaking the silky texture.

“I miss you so much,” the younger boy breathed, closing his eyes so he could imagine that it was really Key there, and not just his spectral form. The slightly older boy’s ghost form couldn’t speak, but that was okay, because lying on Kibum’s side of the bed, surrounded by his scent and his things, Minho finally felt like maybe the world wasn’t ending after all. Kibum would get better and they’d get Taemin out of trouble and Jonghyun and Jinki would come back, but he’d think about that later, as the spectral form of his love slid over him.

“Please, Kibum,” he begged, wrapping his long limbs around the invisible form. “I want-I need to feel you. Please, make it okay again,” Minho whispered the last part. He felt the older boy nod against his neck, and pull one of his legs up a little higher. Minho gasped as he felt the cool press of Key’s cock against his entrance, and a shiver ran through him. They’d done it dry, once, when Key bottomed, but Minho had never had the courage to before. He liked that the choice was taken from him as Kibum pressed forward, a painful whine escaping his throat at the intense, burning stretch. God, he needed this.

9. Onkey -


Jinki hated his life. He didn't even look good as a girl. And what was the point of all the makeup on his face if the majority of it was covered in a highly fashionable facemask? Key was so weird. Weird to the point where he didn't seem to care that he’d dragged his hyung out onto a public train dressed as a school girl, significantly lacking in the underwear department.

Then the young diva, who was also disguised, pulled 'Eunsookie' on to his lap to make 'her' ride more comfortable. Jinki wasn't quite sure how Kibum thought, but nothing in this situation said 'a nice date together' to the poor cross-dressed boy.

The car they were sitting in was basically empty; just an elderly woman asleep at the other end, which is probably why Key was bold enough to spread the older boy’s legs and slip his hand up under Jinki’s skirt to tease his opening with gloved fingers.

"F-fuck, Kibum, not here," Jinki begged quietly, a tremor of fear going through him at the thought that the younger boy would take him dry, in public.

"Shush, Eunsook," Key whispered, removing his glove and slipping his oddly slick fingers back where they were, gently rubbing against the sensitive rim. Whining quietly, the older boy gripped the younger’s knees tight. "Key~" he whimpered, before trying to muffle a gasp as two of the lubed fingers slid inside. Two became three as Onew tried not to make noise, writhing on the younger boy’s lap.

Kibum’s fingers were gone the moment the train drew to a halt, helping Jinki close his legs and fix his skirt as more late night travelers boarded the train. However, fixing Jinki's skirt seemed to require Kibum pulling the part in back way up, letting the older boy’s bare ass sit right on top in Key's... hardness. Onew squirmed trying to get off of the younger man, but Key just chuckled, the sound of the train pulling away from the station covering the sound of him pulling his zipper down. Jinki bit his lip, hard, as Key discreetly forced him up and back, until the slick, blunt head of the younger boy’s erection pressed against his stretched opening.

"Kibummie~" he whined quietly, trying not to draw attention to himself, but the diva shushed him, pulling his head to the side to capture the older boy’s lips as he slowly forced Jinki down onto his cock, swallowing the pain filled moans. Key hissed at the tightness, kissing the older man harder, it was a good thing this train ran all night.

10. onkey -

Helping Hands

Kibum bit his lip as he ran his thumb nail across the slit of his cock, trying to contain his moaning. His hips jerked into his hand as he tightened his fist on the down stroke.

“Oh god,” he gasped quietly, twisting his hand ever so slightly, his legs spasmed as he dragged the tight coil of fingers up once again. His eyes slipped shut as he gave in to the warm feeling running through his veins. Any moment now; fuck he’d waited for this for so long. A sharp intake of breath as his stomach tensed, and he arched his back, his mouth falling open-only to have a large hand wrap tightly around the base of his erection, preventing him from cumming, as he helplessly shuddered through his first dry orgasm, crying out in desperate agony.

“Fuck, what?” he gasped, lolling his head forward to find his band leader peering at him with dark, wet eyes. “Hyung, what the fuck?” he hissed, letting go of himself to grab the older man’s wrist. “You can’t just…do that.”

“You okay now, Kibummie?” Jinki questioned, loosening his hold on the younger boy’s erection. “You’re not gonna blow your load all over yourself, right?”

“No thanks to you,” the younger boy muttered, and Jinki let go, scooting back against the baseboard of the bed as Key made to grab a pillow to cover himself.

“No, don’t,” Jinki ordered. Literally ordered, grabbing the pillow and tossing it across the room for good measure. “Touch yourself for me.”

Kibum gaped at him, “What?” he whispered, outraged.

“You heard me,” Onew’s voice took on a darker tone, one that made a shiver run up the diva’s spine, “go on.” Key bit his lip, and once again gripped himself. After his ruined orgasm, he’d gone soft at the shock of seeing his hyung right in front of him, but he twitched alive quickly under the eyes of the older boy and he closed his eyes, flushing with embarrassment. Kibum tensed and cracked an eye open as Onew grabbed the hand he’d fisted into the sheets and drew it towards him. There was a snap of a bottle opening, and suddenly something cool and slick was being spread on his fingers.

“There you go, Kibummie,” Jinki purred, guiding the younger boy’s lubed fingers down between his legs, “put one in.” The rapper sputtered, his other hand pausing as he stared wide eyed at the older boy. Jinki had a look in his eyes, a hungry, predatory look that made Key bite back a moan as he complied, slowly pushing one of the well-lubed fingers inside himself, shuddering at the new feeling.

“Good boy,” Jinki cooed, and settled back against the baseboard again. He watched Key silently for a while, as the younger man continued to play with himself before his eyes, like Jinki was watching a documentary or something, and not a live action porno performed by one of his younger band mates. “Now another, Kibummie,” he said. Key shuddered as he slipped another of his fingers inside.

“You’re such a perv,” he breathed, before flexing his fingers and nearly screaming as they pressed against something which made his blood boil. Jinki’s low chuckle did nothing for the younger boy’s oversensitive body; it washed over him like a dark wave of sin.

“You’re going to have to put another few in, Kibummie. I’m much larger than two fingers.”

11. Jongho -

Place in the Pack

Deep, feral growls filled the hot room as the two fought on the floor. Naked, their bodies slid together thanks to the sweat that had built up as they fought. Nothing was off limits; pulling on tails, nipping at ears, anything to force the other onto their stomach. The blonde let out a vicious growl as the taller one broke the skin on his arm.

“Fuck,” he hissed, his moment long hesitation allowing the brunet to roll them over, trapping the smaller one on his back.

“Give in,” Minho rumbled, his tail held high in triumph. “I’m going to have you, my pretty, little bitch.” Jonghyun snarled and twisted, knocking his knee into the younger’s hard length, causing him to double over, allowing the blond to switch positions. Minho sneered at him, bucking up against the solid body of the older boy. Jonghyun bit down harshly on his collarbone, drawing blood. The dark haired boy tensed at the pain, giving Jjong time to roll him over onto his stomach. The younger boy tensed and started thrashing, snarling and spitting curses as he fought to get out of such a vulnerable position.

“Fuck you, if you think you’re dominant enough to have me,” he snarled, curling his tail between his legs to protect his entrance. The smaller man smirked even as he tried to hold onto the livewire that is Choi Minho. Leaning forward, Jonghyun sank his fanged teeth into the back of the younger boy’s neck, not enough to break the skin, but firm enough to press into the nerves under the skin and paralyze the bitch beneath him.

Minho whined in fear as his body locked up, trying to fight his body’s natural reaction as the older man gripped his tail roughly and pulled it to the side, revealing his entrance.
Jonghyun let go of the younger boy’s neck just long enough for his muscles to relax before he pushed inside, ripping a cry from the prideful man below him, biting down again when he was all the way in. He started a rough, brutal pace the Minho would never admit he loved because he was alpha of the pack, while Jonghyun was his second. He shuddered as the older boy hit something inside of him that made his angry cock twitch. This better not get back to the submissive three, or Jonghyun’s eating last for a month.

12. Jongho -

Lies I've Been Told

“You’re such a prick,” Jonghyun hissed, shaking Minho awake as he stripped the younger man’s blanket away and started in on his clothes. Minho blinked sleepily struggling against his boyfriend in confusion. “How come you never told me about this, huh?”

“Jjong...what?” Minho managed to get out, blinking in confusion as he watched the older man struggle out of his clothes, before climbing on top of the rapper. “No seriously, what are you doing?”

“Shut up,” the older man said, settling himself on top of Minho. “Kibum told me. How could you not? You’re my boyfriend.”

“What are you talking about?” Minho asked. Jonghyun ignored him and started stroking the younger boy. Despite the confusion, Minho moaned and bucked into his boyfriend’s hands; morning sex didn’t sound that bad. Lying back on the bed, Minho moaned loudly as Jonghyun suddenly went down on him, his mouth seeming hotter and wetter than normal. The taller boy barely had time to get into the feeling before the singer pulled away, and then suddenly Minho was surrounded by a tight heat like he’d never experienced. Snapping his eyes open, he arched helplessly, ripping a pain filled whimper from the boy on top of him.

“Jonghyun! Wh-what are you doing? Fuck~” Minho moaned, reaching up blindly to grab the smaller boy’s shaking hips.

“It hurts~” the older boy whimpered, clenching his eyes against the pain as a tear slipped down his face. “Minho it hurts. God~” He collapsed onto the younger boy with a small cry, burying his face into his neck. “Key said…Kibum said it wouldn’t,” he whispered, clinging tightly to Minho. “He said it felt better.”

“Yeobo,” Minho cooed, rolling them over slowly, massaging the older boy’s lower back, “how many times have you fucked me to know you need prep?” Minho nuzzled into Jonghyun’s neck, peppering kisses along his jaw line. “Now stay still, okay baby? If you really want to try this, let me take care of you.” The singer let out a shuddering breath as he forced himself to relax, curling into the younger boy as a hand wrapped around his soft cock and began to stroke it gently.

“I just w-wanted to know,” he whispered quietly, a soft blush rising on his cheeks from embarrassment and arousal as Minho’s touches brought him pleasure.

“It’s okay, baby,” the rapper whispered back, sucking on the piercing in the older boy’s ear. “I’ve got you.”

13. Taekey -

Two can Play at That Game(Shameless)

Taemin leaned over the table obscenely, his way too short to be even legal skirt rose up, revealing the fact that, no, he wasn’t wearing boxer briefs, like Key had assumed he was when he came prancing out of their shared room asking for costume advise. In fact, it appeared he wasn’t wearing anything under that glorified belt.

“Taeminnie!” Key’s shocked voice went up a few octaves, as the youngest showed his yet to be legal assets to the rest of SHINee. Jinki was polite enough to look away, but Jonghyun and Minho just stared at the uncharted territory that was Taemin.

“Yes, Umma?’ the youngest asked, looking over his shoulder coyly.

“What are you…” he gestured to the down right whorish outfit the dancer was wearing, “What?”

“I thought we were playing dress up, Umma,” Taemin said, turning around and pouting. “You put on your skirt, so I put on mine.” The youngest cocked his head to the side and ran his hands down the leather corset he was wearing. “Have I don’t something wrong?” He bit his lip and batted his eyelashes at the older man. Key’s head swam as behind him he heard Jinki protest as Jongho dragged him off to their bedroom for ‘stress relief’. Poor Jinki.

“Taeminnie,” Key began, walking closer to the leather encased boy leaning whorishly against the dinner table, “you can’t dress like that.”

“But Umma~” he whined, spinning in place to give the rapper a good look at his body, “all the popular girls are doing it.”

The diva narrowed his eyes and stepped closer, “I can’t let you out of the house like this, young woman.”

Taemin tensed, “Umma, please! I’ll do anything!” He clasped his hands in front of his small, small, fucking small skirt and attempted to aegyo.

“Turn around,” Key’s voice dropped down out of character to come from deep in his chest; Taemin shivered and turned, leaning back down across the table. “Good girl.”

“No, Umma,” the youngest purred, spreading his legs a little, “I‘ve been bad.” Key really couldn’t help the noise that came out of him, not when Taemin spread his legs enough to show the older dancer his tiny, glistening opening.

“I touched myself in a bad place, Umma,” Taemin’s sinful voice curled around the older boy and pulled him closer, “but it felt so good. Will you touch me there, too?”

“Yeah, Taeminnie,” Key said, no longer possessing the strength to pretend anymore, stepping out of his boxers and crowding up against the youngest, pushing him harder into the table.

“Is this what you want, you slut?” Key groaned, lifting up his own skirt to run the head of his cock against the dancer’s slick opening.

“Yes Umma, yes~” Taemin keened, push back against the older boy, taking him inside slowly. “Umma, you’re so big!” he cried out, arching his back. Later that night, both Taemin and Jinki ate their dinners lying down.

14. Taekey -

The First Time

Taemin was hesitant to touch the older boy. Key’s skin felt so soft, he was scared if he pressed too hard, he’d bruise the beautiful boy. He slowly, gently ran his hands down the slightly rippled stomach, over prominent ribs and hip bones, along silken, powerful thighs, before retracing and going higher, rubbing his whole palm over the older man’s nipple, causing a sound, not unlike a cat’s purr, to erupt from the diva.

Key lay on his side, watching Taemin explore him silently. He longed for the younger boy to press harder, rub firmer, but he enjoyed the look of serious concentration on the dancer’s face, even if it cost him some physical pleasure.

“Taemin,” he called gently, breaking the youngest out of some kind of trance and causing him to jerk his hand back quickly, “what are you thinking about?”

“You,” he answered without hesitation, pulling himself to settle over the smaller, naked form of his hyung. “This. Us,” the magnae continued, “Is this okay?”

“It’s perfect,” key said smiling, pulling the dancer into a sweet but intimate kiss, allowing the youngest to explore his mouth fully before pulling away. “Why wouldn’t it be? It’s you.”

“Hyung, I’ve never…” Taemin began, before breaking off and blushing. “What if I’m bad, or I hurt you?” Key sighed, and ran a hand through the younger boy’s hair.

“Baby, do you remember why I told you to wait outside, for a bit, before we started?” Key asked. Taemin scrunched his face up so cutely, as he tried to think, that Key had to pull him down and kiss him again. “I was making myself ready for you,” Key said, “Also, that’s probably the sappiest, least gross way of putting it, but you’re not going to hurt me.” As if to emphasize that, the older boy spread his legs a little, drawing the dancer in closer. He reached for the strawberry scented lube and poured some into his palm, then gently grabbed Taemin’s neglected cock, stroking it lovingly as he spread the lube over the hard length. The action ripped a desperate whine from the inexperienced boy.

“Key, please~” he nearly sobbed, shivering as the older boy let go.

“Come on, Taemin,” the rapper encouraged, relaxing his body as the magnae lined his hardness up to Key’s glistening entrance. The dancer licked his lips he pushed in, eyes watching Key’s face for any sign of pain, before being overwhelmed by the feeling of being inside the older boy.

“God, Hyung,” he whimpered, bottoming out. His hips twitched with the need to move, and he almost did, if it wasn’t for Key reaching out to grab his hips, holding him still.

“Wait a minute, okay, Taemin?” Key panted, biting his lip at how full he was. “I need to adjust.” The youngest nodded as sweat dripped down his face, and he leaned in to kiss along the diva’s defined jaw line and cheek bones, waiting for permission to move. When Key nodded, Taemin thanked the heavens above for making him so lucky.

taekey, jongyu, minkey, ontae, drabbles, smut, onho, onkey, jongho

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