Dreams of Dragon Fire

Jul 23, 2014 22:24

Title: Dreams of Dragon Fire
Author: Wishunew
Rating: NC-17 (heavy)
Pairing: Jongyu, Jinki/Dragon, Jonghyun/Dragon
Warning: Seriously read these warning I'm not joking around Semi Bestiality, Semi Anthropomorphic Dragons, Stomach Bulge, Cum inflation.
Summary: THey live in a world with Dragons as household companions and personal Guardians. That fact alone should make almost anything believable, and yet, people still looked at Jonghyun like he was crazy when he talked about the small hut across the lake.

Beta'd by the lovely and talented Celiimess of Tumblr fame

The small village where Jonghyun lived was almost insignificant, numbering maybe 100 lives, total. With large, impassable mountains to all sides save one, it was easily defensible, and with the run off of the mountains pooling into a clear and deep lake, the land between these mountains was rich for farming. That was what they were, farmers. Which, in the merger state of the world, was how their village became important. When other villages turned to raiding and pillaging, Jonghyun's village could easily trade the surplus of their work at the river that ran so close to their homestead. But they were just farmers, had always been just farmers from the day their ancestors founded the small village, and even for their location, raiding was inevitable.

They had fought off raids in the past, any self respecting soul knows how to wield an ax, a hand scythe. Instruments to cut grain and timber were easily deadly, and even without a shield, a man fighting for everything he had was stronger by far than a man fighting for everything someone else had.

Many years ago, one raid had almost cost them everything. Pushed back to the very edge of the lake of the mountains’ tears, fighting a losing battle for their lives, too proud to live in subjection to the invading western raiders.Things were bloody, the outlook grim, so they say, until the leader of the village’s only son, barely a man, was slashed nose to navel, body falling into the lake, staining the clear deep cerulean a vivid crimson. Suddenly a noise so loud it shook the ground sounded, and it was like the very mountains had come to life.

Winged creatures, lizards the size of horses, suddenly filled the sky, raining fire down from above on the invaders, driving them back through the valley, and finally out. But for their victory, many had been lost. The leader wept for his son, cradling his body in his arms despite the icy cold of the lake. The dragons, as these creatures were- are, called, had gathered around the lake, and there seemed leader, larger than the rest, nearly as big as the great manor in which the Village Chief lived, stepped forward, his scales a brillant silver.

“We are drake,” it spoke, its large head hovering close to the Chief and his son’s body, eyes like the stars staring deep into the man, “And this is our home. We have watched you. You are a people of peace who work hard for your lot. We will protect you, help you, as neighbors and allies should. Only, in return we ask for this one.” he leaned down, nuzzling the dead boy’s cheeks so reverently. It was a hard decision, the Chief's son was loved by all, a hard worker, who had loved life, had never hurt a thing. There had been a softness about the boy, an innocence that not even the raiders could wipe away. But his son was dead, and the dragons were a fair ally. The trade was made and fate was sealed.

Or at least, that’s what the Priest says when its history night at the orphanage, when Jonghyun specifically asks about where the dragons came from, and why their freshwater lake ran red. But he never explains about the house that the smallest boy in the village could barely make out, just on the other side of the immense lake, or the smoke that he saw rising every night from where the house ought to be. He always asked though, “Why did the dragons take the body? Who built the house on the other side of the lake?” He asks everyone. The dragons will just nuzzle him, rubbing up against him more like cats than valued warriors or family guardians. And the adults just look at him, and have stopped asking “What house?”

Jonghyun isn't crazy. He’s not. Maybe he’s small, maybe he doesn't look like anyone else in the village, with hair as white as the moon and skin a shade darker than the sweet nectar one of the priests pulls from the beehives, but in his 20 winters, he’s worked twice as hard as the larger men. He can take down any one his age in a wrestling match. He was faster than anyone in the village. The dragons always seemed to be on his side, no matter who they belonged to. But still the others persisted that there was no house, Jonghyun, get back to work.

He could not. The day of Peace, the recorded day to celebrate the bond between Dragon and Man, was not far off. He had to leave now or he’d be tied up in getting ready for the ceremony. He’d built himself a small hut as close to the water as was safe after he’d become a man. It was for his independance, sure, but also because he could go to the water whenever he wished. No one saw him as he crept out, wading into the ruby colored water, pitch black after the sun went down. He was the best swimmer in the village, swimming further and further out before he was dragged back to land.

This time, no one was there to stop him, to make him turn back. So he kept going, keeping the house always in his sights, like a beacon it kept him on course. But the lake was large, larger than he had realized, and the house never seemed to get any closer. But he could smell the smoke, the rich aroma of wood and dragon fire and it drove him on, even as his muscles screamed for a break, their limit reached. He pushed, knowing that if he stopped he would die. Kicking with all his might, pulling himself though the water with nothing but boneheaded stubbornness and a deep, driving need.

He was pulling himself up onto the sand at the other side of the shore just as the sun was coming up. He couldn't see it, but the pitch black of the night was lightening to an early gray. He could barely breathe, chest burning from exertion, as he dragged his aching and exhausted body out of the water. He flopped onto his back, taking in the early morning gloom in all its beauty, and laughing as heartily as his overtaxed body would let him. He’d done it, he’d reached the other side of the lake. He tried to gather himself, he was only half way there, couldn't pass out till he got to the house, the answers had to be inside. But as he forced himself to his feet, his vision swam, he swayed like a thin branch in a wind storm before his legs ultimately gave out.

He was barely clinging to consciousness, trying to will his body and his mind to go a little further. He was almost there when a shadow fell over him. Looking up, he tried to blink the haziness out of his vision as he found himself staring into eyes like sunset, deep and kind and fathomless, framed by hair that reached down to the figure’s shoulders, the color of sunshine in winter, and golden skin as smooth as cream. He was in love before he could blink, before he took in the lips so thick, almost pouting in their fullness, before he saw the shiny pale of a scar that seemed to bisect the man’s torso but did nothing to detract from his beauty, before he noticed the man’s almost nakedness, nothing but a robe of sheer silk. He was in love before he saw the dragon itself, silver and more than twice the size of the man it coiled protectively around. Both looked down at Jonghyun. The hand on his shoulder was warm and real as his body listed forward, and as darkness took his exhausted form, for once in his life he felt like he was home.

He dreamed of nothing but the flush heat of dragons fire, of hard smooth scales against his flesh, a tidal wave of heat that rushed from inside of him, it was earth shattering in its intensity, frightening and addicting, he woke before its crest, body drenched and whimpering, clinging to someone’s hand for dear life.

“It’s about time you woke up.” Jonghyun's body shook with the after effects of his dream, still dazed and hot, it took him a while to shake his mind into true wakefulness, to realize the owner of the rich voice, deep like the lake, yet soft as the clouds reflected on its surface. Jonghyun turned his head, blinking like an idiot at the perfect man who sat next to him. The man tilted his head a little when Jonghyun met his eyes, smiling blindingly, “You’ve been out for a couple of days. I was starting to worry.” Slowly he withdrew his hand from Jonghyun’s and ran it up the bedridden boy’s arms.

“You came a long way for this.” the man said, squeezing his arm reassuringly as he stood up, sweeping across the room in his sheer robe to a pot resting on the fireplace, “Rest for a while, The Ceremony is in a few days and you need your strength.” Jonghyun wanted to ask, what he needed his strength for. He wasn’t going to swim back across the red waters. Not when this perfect being lived on the other side. But as the beautiful stranger propped him up, and gently helped him drink a cool, sweet liquid, he found himself tongue tied.

“I, um, that is. Hello, n-name, Jong, um” he stuttered and stammered over his words, the beautiful man watching him with a kind of serene patience that Jonghyun had never seen anyone have with him. He coughed and blushed and looked down at the cup he was holding, “I mean, I’m Jonghyun. Jjong.” he said into the liquid, drinking the rest of it to try and avoid eye contact, feeling more embarrassed than ever before.

“I know” was what the man said, startling the exhausted man, “The dragons talk about you” he said, raising his hands like he was innocent, “They’re excited, you know. They like you. I’m Jinki, by the way.” he smiled again and Jonghyun forgot to breathe for a second. “Some people used to call me Onew, I think, before I came here.” he hummed thoughtfully as he gently took the cup from Jonghyun’s hand. “I think thats enough activity for today. Like I said, You’ll need your strength.”

The darker skinned man whined, and grabbed for the other, barely suppressing the needy shiver that ran through his frame as his hand wrapped around the soft, smooth skin of the other. Jinki paused and turned around, eyes questioning as the searched Jjong's face. No words were exchanged but the other man seemed to know what was troubling Jonghyun, and as his hand fell away, a now near constant flush returning to his cheeks, Jinki followed, leaning down over him in the bed.

“You’ll understand” Jinki said voice sweet like morning dew yet heady like the air before a thunderstorm, hair brushing Jonghyun's cheek as he rubbed their noses together. “Dont fight it, Jonghyun. You’ll understand.” the darker boy whined at the touch, trembling like an inexperienced virgin.

“Tell me now.” Jonghyun asked, even as his eyes flickered down to watch the other man's mouth, so soft, so wet that it seemed to take everything he had not to press closer to him, he wanted them on his skin, maybe they would ease the burning. The chuckle that came from the other man was deep and throaty, intoxicating, and the hands that came up to frame his head were like sanctuary from the storm raging inside Jjong’s body. The kiss started out chaste, a gentle, shy brush of lips, but Jinki let out a strange noise, soft and full of longing, before pressing harder against Jjong, tongue snaking into the darker man’s mouth to rub against Jonghyun’s, both equally persistent with their need to feel. Jjong's hand slid down, parting the see-through robe to grasp firm, thick thighs, pulling Jinki closer-

A deep growl seemed to shake the whole of the small house and they sprang apart, Jinki jumping up and off the bed so fast Jjong thought he must have flown. He stood by the doorway, panting, robes parted down the front to show off how much the kiss had affected him, and Jonghyun whined high in his throat, mouth watering with a sharp, inexplicable need to have the other mans thick cock leaking into his mouth.

“Tomorrow” Jinki said, pointing at Jjong like everything that had happened was his fault, “Get some rest.” and with that he turned and fled the hut. Jonghyun wanted to protest, wanted to follow, he’d just woken up, but it was like he couldn't move, something holding him onto the bed as his head spun and body felt light, floating, and then everything faded to a soft darkness, back to dreams of dragons, fire and ecstasy.

It feels like time is slipping through his fingers as he sleeps, body crying out for a satisfaction he doesn't think he’ll ever get. His waking hours were few and far between, punctuated by talking with Jinki, who had lived in the hut for his entire life. He was so excited when the dragons told him he’d be having a guest, a companion, a friend. More liquid, always cool and sweet and crisp, like the first bite of an apple.

One night, Jonghyun thought it was night, he’d been bed ridden all this time, body only getting strong enough now to walk around the small little cabin with some assistance, Jinki had helped him back into bed and tucked him in, sitting down next to him with Jonghyun’s cup. Instead of handing it to the younger man (they had spent enough time together to figure out that Jinki was older), he stared at it, swirling the liquid back and forth pensively.

“Is everything okay?” Jonghyun asked reaching out a comforting hand, but Jinki drew back with a sad sigh, standing up and taking the cup with him. “Jinki?”

“The celebration is tomorrow,” Jinki said at length as he paced the small cabin, setting the cup to the side of the table, “And… I’ve grown to enjoy your company, Jonghyun” he said shyly, turning to lean against the hardwood table. He played with his fingers, refusing to look at the younger man completely. “I dont want to lie to you” he added after a pause, and Jonghyun frowned, moving to stand up, but Jinki held out his hand, making the younger pause.

“The ceremony is tomorrow. It celebrates the union between Human and Dragon…” he paused, as if searching for words. “A very long time ago, what was left of the dragons came down from the mountain and rescued your village, their union was solidified by the trading of the leader’s son.” Jinki sighed and even in the dim light of twilight, Jonghyun could see the blush filling the elder’s cheeks, “The dragons were dying out. Some were lost in the battle. So when the boy woke up, alive for all that human medicine had pronounced him dead, he was given a choice, one which I will give you now.”

A growl like a thunderstorm shook the small house, and Jonghyun barely resisted the urge to hide under the covers. A dragon was not pleased. But Jinki, in his human small-ness, in his golden glory, turned, and yelled back. It was like the sky going suddenly dark on a sunny day, like all of the light had drained from the world as Jinki shouted down the dragon. Jonghyun shook, retreating back into the bed and drawing the covers close, as if that could protect him from the sudden terrifying demeanor his host had taken on.

Jinki sighed when the dragon stopped, and turned towards Jonghyun with an apologetic expression, “If you leave now you might be able to make it across the lake, before your heart gives out. Or, you can stay here and drink the last cup of nectar and mate with a dragon come sunset tomorrow.” He said it fast, like that would soften the blow, but Jonghyun still flinched like he’d been physically hit.

“Do what?” he hissed, half his face hidden in the sheets, like that would protect him from what the other man had said. He was startled, horrified, even, but he wasn’t sure if it was because of the proposal or because he wasn’t as disgusted as he wanted to be. “M-mate? as in…?” he flushed brightly under his flimsy fabric shield.

Jinki giggled a little and nodded, “Yes, as in physically. You can feel it already, right? Maybe, have felt it your entire life? When I was young I was always drawn to the mountains. I imagine you were drawn here?" Jonghyun nodded slowly, breathing deeply, the sudden understanding of the longing, the deepest secret of his life. It was like the heaviest of burdens had been lifted. It was as if the older man could sense his mental surrender, stepping closer to him, cup in hand, “You feel it like a river through your body, swelled by the spring rain, throbbing, hungry. Dragon fire against your skin in the dark of your dreams, something rich, thick and heavy filling you from the inside out.” he stopped before the bedridden man, holding the cup to his lower lip, pressing it against him, watching as the plush flesh parted for it, and gently, as Jonghyun watched him, pliant and waiting, he poured the cup down the younger boy’s throat.

When the last drop was gone, Jinki put the cup aside and gently pushed the platinum haired male back into the bed, hands shaking as he did so, “Sleep now, brother.” Jinki said with a smile, though there was a hungry aspect to his face, to his kisses goodnight.

The night went fast, Jonghyun hardly remembered sleeping, but he did remember the dream, so real. The dragon as it blanketed him, filled him over and over, the softness of the scales against his flesh, vision swimming in kaleidoscope colors. He woke drenched in sweat, Jinki hovering over him with a damp cloth.

"Tell me what you saw." the older man demanded gently, as he wiped down Jjong's body slowly. The soft, cool cloth did nothing to bank to fire inside, as he trembled and clung weakly to the edge of the bed. Jonghyun gasped softly as the cool cloth slid over his lower stomach, suddenly very aware of how naked he had been. Between his legs his cock was hard, needy, beading precum on the tip. "Tell me" the other insisted, even as he settled between the younger’s parted legs, rubbing his cooling cloth over the inside of Jjong’s thighs.

"A dragon" he gasped, the air felt thick on his tongue as he squirmed under the older man’s care, "Black, almost as large as that s-silver one."

"Odin" Jinki corrected thoughtfully as he continued to wipe the younger boys body down, grinning warmly. Jonghyun shivered, nodding as if he recognized the name. The silver haired man cried out softly as the elder pulled away, clinging to him in hungry desperation for contact. The blonde chuckled again, bringing one of the bowls he'd set beside the bed earlier down closer to him, "What else?"

The younger man shivered, biting his lip as he tried to recall, it felt important. "I... there was... so full" he panted, blushed with memory, "Swells of it, inside me." Jjong let go of Jinki to rub a hand over his stomach, "Over and over until I couldn't- couldn't move, breathe, couldn't stop.”

"Inside?" Jinki questioned, tone indicating he knew the answer already, dipping his fingers into the bowl by his side, sliding them up the insides of Jjong's legs, "Inside here?" He giggled as the younger jumped when he rubbed his finger against the silver haired boy’s entrance. Jonghyun bit his lip and whimpered, clinging harder to the elder as he shifted his legs further apart, arching against the press of the other man’s fingers.

Jinki purred and peppered kisses over Jonghyun’s jaw, as he slowly worked one if his oil slick fingers into the other, gently working it into the second knuckle, cooing softly. "Good boy" he purred, working his finger out to add more oil, pressing back inside, teasing the rim with his other finger, "Gonna get you nice and ready for him, slick and open.” he worked him open slowly, only adding a second finger when the younger was making needy little noises as he panted, body knowing that he needed more of the strange feeling, working his hips back into the press of it, shaking uncontrollably.

Jinki had eased in a third finger when the small house shook with the thunder of a dragon’s roar, impatient and hungry. Jonghyun’s body tightened, arching as he tossed his head back in surrender, “Now” he pleaded, even as he clung tighter to the older boy, “P-please, has to be… has to be now” He could feel it like a current, like lightning had struck and his body was the path of least resistance. Jinki cooed at him, still working his fingers inside him gently,  a smooth in and out motion, circling to open him up more, and Jonghyun thought he was going to melt from the heat.

Just as his body was tensing, winding tighter and tighter like the string of a harp, ready to snap at the slightest touch, did the older man pull away, humming softly as he wiped his fingers off on the bed sheets. "You're ready now" he said, pulling back and getting off the bed. He took but a moment to stare at his handy work; Jonghyun was wrecked, body flushed and straining with denied pleasure, lips red and slack struggling to get enough air in. Perfect.

"Come" the elder instructed, helping the trembling man to his feet. Over the younger’s shoulders he dropped a robe of silver spider’s silk, Jjong's hypersensitive body taking in the cool smoothness of the sheer material, like water was running over him continuously.

Leaning heavily on the golden haired man, they walked outside of the small house for the first time since Jonghyun had woken up. The fading sun of the twilight made the lake shimmer like rubies on the waves, across the wide lake, smoke rose up from the bonfire, celebrating the dragons. The honey roasted pig, the figs and fruit filled pastries, almost like a dream on Jonghyun's tongue. He was drooling, a heady hunger filling his belly, he needed...

"Jonghyun" Jinki’s lips brushed his ear, hot breath teasing his over sensitive flesh, pulling a needy whimper from the younger man. "You can eat after" he grinned against the white haired boy’s skin, as the continued across the sands towards a large and looming cave. The silver dragon, Odin, lay in front of it, only stirring when they drew closer,  raising himself up from the ground,  and shrinking down to their size. The golden haired boy purred as the silver dragon butted his head into his chest.

"Odin, you're in the way" Jinki chided gently, reaching out to caress the beast’s jaw as  he struggled to support Jjong's dead weight, "He needs Vulcan."

Jonghyun whimpered at the name, mind flooding with images of heat and sex and darkness. He panted heavily, cock dripping in an eager reaction to the mental images, memories of things that haven't happened, echoes of his dreams. He shivered as Odin moved aside and he pushed himself away from his caretaker, staggering under the heaviness of his own body. He needed. The weight of the need drove him forward, into the pitch, the suffocating dark. The slick covered walls and a deep, driving desire guiding his way, added support to his weakened and quaking form.

The air itself was heavy with intent as he descended deeper into the cave, farther down, further in. Until suddenly he found himself in an opening, a large open room full of crystals, each glowing a dull pastel color. The floor dipped down suddenly, and too distracted, Jonghyun fell with it, sliding into pleasantly warm water. He gasped at the feel of it sliding over his hypersensitive body, making him whimper. His soft sounds seem to echo around the large space, and across the expansive hot springs, the shadows stirred.

Belatedly, Jonghyun realized they weren't shadows, as they coiled and rose, blocking out the dim glow of the crystals. It was a dragon, the largest dragon Jjong had ever seen, larger than the great hall of the village, so tall its head touched the ceiling, eyes as bright red and sinister as a lunar eclipse as they peered at him in the low light. The platinum haired man whined and squirmed under the intensity of the stare, legs spreading open unconsciously as he bit into his lip, trembling as he looked up at the beast of mythical proportions. His body begged him to give in to its magnificence, but jonghyun's brain ground itself to a halt.

It was massive, and despite his body telling him he needed to take it, to feel the dragon inside him, like he was going to die if he couldn't, he was fairly sure he would die just trying. He shivered in stagnant fear, slowly drawing his legs closed and tight to his chest, fighting with his body with every move. The dragon, the monstrous, enormous dragon, seemed displeased by the act, a growl so deep it felt like it came from the very earth emanated from it, as it moved closer, but stopped suddenly and peered at him from across the pool, then suddenly and soundlessly slipped into the water.

Jonghyun's whole body tensed, trying to force his muscles to respond, to get them out of the water, when suddenly the crystals in the cave began to sing, harmonizing brilliantly as they changed from the dull, dull pastels to bright, vibrant colors, alive with energy and music. And suddenly, Jonghyun knew this place. Knew it like the back of his hand. For all that, he had seen it once in a hazy fever dream, The Living Cave. The source of the dragons’ power. The colors, the melody, relaxed him, gently drawing him from his closed off position as a figure breached the water. It was the dragon, smaller now, infinitely smaller, still larger than he was, but a much more comprehensible size. Jonghyun let out a startled noise as it- he, drew closer, sliding his smooth, scaled body between the human’s legs to nuzzle into the platinum haired man’s neck, purring almost like a cat.

Jonghyun hissed, tilting his head back as he instinctively arched into the warm, so warm, body above him, rubbing his still hard cock against the soft scales on the dragons underbelly with a needy whine. He braced his hands on the dragons sides, tentatively holding the being to him, stroking him gently, though his actions are unsure and hesitant. But the moment he touched the dragon, everything changed, it was like he had come alive after years of sleeping. He knew this dragon. Knew him like his name was burned into his soul, like their history had been carved into his bones.

“Vulcan” he gasped. Saying the dragon’s name for the first time felt like the roar of a wild fire, the billowing winds of a hurricane, like the entire earth shuddered and heaved with the pleasure of it rolling off his tongue. Jonghyun's body arched, calling out his dragon’s name like a prayer as he came, shivering and untouched, riding the crest of a tsunami of feeling, it had burned through his body as quick as a flash of lightning, leaving the human sagging in the warm water, soiled with thick white fluid and panting hard, eyes still dazed by the rainbow of colors dancing around the cave.

“Shit” Jonghyun muttered, leaning backwards in the water to try and catch his breath, still lazily stroking the dragon’s body as it moved down his form, its large tongue licking soothingly over his neck and collarbone, down his toned chest, over his stomach. Jjong made a strangled noise but didn't protest as the other licked up the mess on his body, shivering and lightly touching Vulcan’s head. A sudden rush of images flowed through the human’s brain, an amazing multitude of sunrises and sunsets, never ending shadows. Off in the distance, across a blood red lake, a star shone brightly, so beautiful it took Jonghyun's breath away. Was that him? Me? He wanted to ask, but couldn't find the words, breathless and boneless with the revelation that this great creature, this fathomless being had been waiting for him since before he was born. A deep and fathomless feeling filled him, swelling in his chest and before he knew it, he was sobbing, resting his head on the dragons crown, hugging him close, so unabashedly apologetic for the loneliness Jonghyun had accidentally inflicted on the dragon.

But he understood, Vulcan, as he nudged Jonghyun's head away from him and likced his face, gathering up the tears in a broad sweep of his thick tongue. And once again, the human shivered, spreading his legs wider as the dragon pressed down onto him a little harder, a little more desperately. Right, they were here for a reason. The dragons body seemed to heat up as Jonghyun laid back more fully in the water, resting on the rocky edge of the pool, taking his hands off the body of his mate to hold the naturally carved edge tightly, as the dragons claw like hands circled his thin waist, sharp talons pressing precariously against his delicate skin. Jjong knew what came next, letting his eyes fall closed as he tried to relax, anticipation making him bite into his lower lip, breathing unsteadily through his nose. But nothing as sudden as he was anticipating came, instead something small and smooth teased dexterously at his opening, teasing the hypersensitive nerves at the entrance of his body. It pressed in slowly, making the human whimper, getting thicker as it went, slowly sliding in and out of him, as if cautious, testing the waters. Jonghyun gasped breathlessly, his eyes fluttering open as he looked down, trying to find out what was inside him, touching him so sweetly. Vulcans narrow head was raised above him, watching in with his dark red eyes, critical and hyper attentive to every twitch his mates body made. Jonghyun got a brief mental image of the dragons tail, sweeping across the water, and cried out, feeling himself harden at the thought of the mighty creature’s tail spearing him open, spreading him wide. As if feeling his delight, Vulcan moved the appendage faster, steadily increasing the depth of which he touched, spreading in wider and wider as the dexterous tip rubbed and pressed against his submissive mate’s inner walls, his moans the first music Vulcan had heard in a millennia. The way he thrashed and arched into him was poetry in motion, nothing would ever look as good as his mate in the heat of his passions.

Vulcan pressed his tail in further, opening Jonghyun wider as the human keened, hardened cock leaking obscenely over his stomach as his mate’s tail worked into him over and over, the smooth, pebbled feeling of the scales sliding in and out over his sensitive opening making the human twitch, hips bucking up into the feeling, enraptured by the texture, the stretch. Jonghyun writhed, spreading his legs wider, needing… he needed…

“More” the human whimpered, gasping for breath as the simple word seemed to make the tail inside him curl in on itself, spreading him open even wider as the agile tip snaked and twisted, rubbing into the spot that made lights dance behind Jonghyun's eyelids, his cock pulsing, leaking a steady stream of pre-cum into the warm water of the spring. His back arched, fighting to press into and away from such intense pleasure. It was good, amazing, but not enough, he needed more. Hotter, bigger, thicker, more. He was mewling needily, craving something he couldn't put into words. His mate seemed to know what he needed, as slowly Vulcan removed his tail, leaving the human gasping for breath, feeling empty and cold.

Vulcan pulled away, gently urging the human onto his side before he slid back over his body, holding one of the humans legs up, opening him up wider. Jonghyun shivered with anticipation, beyond caring that he was never normally this flexible, as something hot, blunt and wet touched his opening. He keened like a needy whore, reaching down with one hand to hold his ass open as his mate pressed inside. Vulcan was thick. Huge didn’t even begin to describe it. Jonghyun felt like he was going to be ripped apart, but his body just took it, stretched open to fit the mythical beast’s massive size. He couldn’t move, couldn't breathe as the dragon pressed further and further inside of him, the intensity of the stretch, how deep his mate was inside him. Jjong couldn't help it, couldn't stop, cumming hard for a second time as he was filled, euphoria washing like waves over his hyperstimulated body as pulse after pulse of cum shot from his cock, the experience prolonged because Vulcan just keep moving further in. Slow and steady and so large Jonghyun felt himself starting to cry, hiding his face in his arm as he let go of himself, sliding his hand around his body and down, past his balls to wrap his hand around Vulcans cock. He shivered, letting out a broken, needy sound when he realized he couldn't fit his hand around the dragons cock, more than a hand and a half still waiting to be pushed inside of his body.

The dragon growled as Jonghyun touched him, dexterously leaning down to gently bite at the human’s hand, nudging it towards his stomach as he sank in inch by inch into Jonghyun's impossibly full body. Jjong gasped, reedy and broken as his mate finally bottomed out, letting his hand fall across his stomach in relieved ecstasy, only to tense up with a shocked whimper, pulling a week growl from his mate, as Jonghyun blinked away tears he didn't know he was crying, looking down as he rubbed his hand over the bulge in his stomach, the size of his mate’s cock pressing his firm flesh outward from his navel down. He shivered, enraptured as he traced the outline of his mates cock through his flesh, moaning softly as the dragon moved closer, rocking their bodies together gently, creating slight waves in the water. Jong whimpered, keeping his hand pressed against his body, where he could feel his lovers cock from the inside out, as Vulcan pulled out slowly, then pressed back in, the human’s cock weakly drooling a clear fluid as the dragon’s massive cock, thick and full, bumps and scaly ridges massaging every spot, touching everywhere as it slid in and out of him, pressing firmly against the platinum haired man's prostate continuously.

Jonghyun sobbed weakly as his lover’s pace increased, minute fears about what his body would look like after this encounter dissipating in the face of wave after wave of pleasure, of finally being complete. His eyes felt waterlogged, vision and mind a numb haze of ecstasy and rapture, colors dancing though his eyes like performers on a stage, his soft noises of pleasure, whimpers and mewls escalating in volume as Vulcan moved faster and faster still, echoing around the cave and playing back like a lewd soundtrack of moans and slick sounds. He felt hot, lost in an inferno of never ending pleasure as Vulcan pressed closer to him, his thrusts coming hard and fast, pressing closer, deeper, as a thick, agile tongue invaded the humans mouth. Jjong gasped, eagerly sucking on the weirdly sweet appendage, as the dragons tongue coiled with his own, rubbing together before slipping further back into his throat. the human panicked at the feeling of it sliding down his throat, choking on the wet, slippery appendage, pushing at his mate’s head.

Vulcan pulled away immediately, as Jonghun coughed, his thrusts stilling as he nuzzled into his mate’s shoulder, licking at his face and neck, images flashed through the human’s mind, of sorrow and sad things, the dragon’s apology for going too far with him. Jjong nodded as he caught on. With shaking hands, he gently stroked the dragons long neck.

“It’s okay.” he muttered in a soft, shaking voice, “I’m okay. J-just don’t… don't” he muttered, blushing bright in his embarrassment, but the dragon seemed to nod, showing him an image of what happened in reverse order, almost as if Vulcan was asking to start over. Jonghyun nodded confidently, replacing the hand on his stomach, rubbing at the top of the bulge left by his lover’s cock seated so deeply inside him, “Slowly, okay? You’re so big, feel like I’m gonna burst.”

Something akin to pride flickered through Jonghyun's mind as Vulcan started to move again, gently rocking back and forth as Jonghyun settled back into the welcoming haze of pleasure, once again his whimpers and mewls at the feeling of being so thoroughly filled, so completely owned sounded around the cave. His momentary panic had done nothing to bank the fire burning within him, the utter need for the beast above him. Jjong rocked his hips back, desperate to feel more, needing it, and Vulcan obliged, moving fast and harder as Jonghyun's cries of passion and ecstasy echoed all around them, a symphony of sin that seemed to make the crystal stalagmites glow even brighter, the water boil around their frantic bodies as they moved together with increased fever. The dragon reached around with his tail, coiling it over Jonghyun's neglected cock, stroking the man to rapid hardness as the tip of the agile fifth limb teased the leaking tip, pressing gently into the slit, not too deep, not spreading his dick lips too wide, working in gentle juxtaposition to the almost carelessly fast and deep pace Vulcan had set with his hips, fucking his massive cock in and out of Jjong's smaller body with abandon.

The human screamed at the feeling of the tail fucking gently into his cock, desperately clinging to the edge of the boiling pool with all the strength his strung out and shaking body possessed. He cried out, sobbing his pleasure as he was touched, and teased, as he was so thoroughly fucked in every way his body could handle. it was perfect, pure pleasure. It burned through him like a forest fire, an intoxicating inferno of euphoria building into an unstoppable crescendo. Jonghyun was going to be swallowed whole by it, as he cried out, moaning his mate’s name over and over, sobbing as he was taken, in every way he knew he could be, touched and filled in every place he’d always wanted to be.

His vision burned, white hot lightning struck through his body, a pleasure so sharp it bordered on pain as Vulcan bit into his shoulder, the mighty dragon pulling back to roar his completion, massive cock swelling as it pumped load after load into Jonghyun's small body. Jonghyun teetered on the brink of insanity-inducing ecstasy, whimpering constantly, as his stomach bulged out, no place for his lover’s cum to go as his body yielded to the pressure, rounding and filling, filling, bigger and bigger as the human wept in orgasmic bliss, barely registering the vision of himself, stomach distending gradually, growing larger with every pulse of hot sweet cum deep inside him, before he burned, white hot lightning streaking up from his very bones, his whole body locking up as he cried out, cumming for a third time, body straining to empty a load it very nearly didn't have, pushing the human’s overtaxed mortal frame past its limits and into a dark, blissful silence. Vulcan gently guided his unconscious mate under the water until his body stopped twitching with belated pleasure, waiting for the transition to finish as he gently rocked back and forth inside his young lover’s spent body once again.


When Jonghyun woke up, something was different. He didn't have to open his eyes to know that he wasn't in the cave anymore. A constant stream of light and heat beat down on him instead of the flickering of colors from the crystals in the Living Cave. He groaned hoarsely, covering his eyes with an arm as something touched his stomach. He groaned, hissing at the feeling, his skin uncomfortably stretched, and moved his arm, blinking the darkness away from his vision. The first thing he noticed was his skin, always a darker shade of tan, it now shown like newly worked copper, almost gleaming in its newness. He gasped, struggling to sit up, only to whimper at the full feeling in his body. Suddenly something soft and warm slid behind him, the familiar warmth of flesh under his head made him tilt back, blinking weakly up at Jinki, sunshine golden hair framing his face as he smiled so beautifully down at Jonghyun.

“Easy, Brother” Jinki whispered, stroking his face, as Jonghyun blinked, and looked down at himself, whimpering at the vision of his stomach, so swollen. If he were a woman he would say he looked noticeably pregnant, a distinct bulge curving his body outward. Behind him Jinki giggled softly, reaching a free hand to stroke over the bulging flesh. “It seems your mate was very… eager to be with you.” the older man purred, watching Jonghyun's face as he touched him. “You’re leaking, can you feel it?” he grinned, perfect golden face a little flush, and Jjong knew the other man was hard, could feel it pressed into his back as Jinki continued to rub his enlarged stomach. Curious, Jonghyun slid a weak hand down, around his stomach to touch at the slightly parted lips of his entrance, whimpering at how sensitive they were, how slick he still was, fingers coming away drenched in thick white fluid.

“Fuck” Jonghyun breathed, wiping his soiled fingers onto the grass as he nuzzled into Jinki’s naked shoulder, “I can't believe he didn't break me. He… Vulcan… He was so big” the human shivered at the memory, echoes of pleasure of a deeply satisfying fullness. “It doesn't seem possible.”

Behind him, the younger man felt the blonde hesitate, a deep breath before Jinki’s thick fingers gently tipped his head up, making the exhausted man look him in the eye, “Brother… you know that you are not human now, right?” At Jonghyun's slightly confused face he continued, “The nectar, it changed you. The beginning of a process. Our destined mates are beastial in the throws of passion. In their true form they are as large as mountains, and it is hard to keep a more manageable shape at the best of times. Our bodies would be destroyed. Our purpose here for naught if we remained human.” Jonghyun nodded slowly, the news that he was no longer human breaking gently on him like the calming waves on the shore, as he looked down once again at his copper colored skin.

“What ends the process?” he asked, as he tugged at Jinki's shoulders, trying to sit up further, stifling a gasp as the pressure made him leak even more, “I was not like this while in the pool, I would remember.”

Jinki nodded, kissing the younger man’s forehead as he held him, gently stroking the starlight haired mans overtaxed body, “Vulcan would have held you under the waters until your heart stopped, letting the crystals pour their power into your body, unopposed by mortal chains. Just a little bit of their power and our bodies can adapt, adjust to our mates better, extend our lifespan so that we are no longer alone.”

“I dont like being alone.” the young immortal muttered, half asleep as he nuzzled into his brother. On the other side of the field, Vulcan and Odin lazed about, the silver dragon offering similar comforts to the black, a newly formed bond taxing on both participants. Vulcan had been worried, though he knew it was necessary, he didn't like the memory of listening to his mate’s heart stop beating, even as he gave him pleasure till the end, and even if the first thing Jonghyun’s body had experienced was ecstasy itself, it was a memory the dragon would never forget, so he busied himself sending soothing tones and images to his young mate, wishing him rest and health and love.

“You’ll never be alone again Jonghyun.”

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seriously read the warnings, jonghyun, onew, nc-17, things i wish happened, jongyu

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