Sep 12, 2004 01:44
for some reason I think its really funny to surround yourself with candles and sarah mcglaughin and then add a computer screen to the mix. Like i had this great idea to sit down and write in livejournal with some really unique feelings because of the atmoshphere I set for myself... ha. I do love Sarah though, I think she might be my favorite right now, but whenever I listen to her I always feel like its snowing outside.
I think that could possibly be because when I was in sixth grade my sister was leaving to go to Maine for school but it was 3am when my dad and I had to get in the car to drive her to the airport. She was going back to school from winter break and I couldn't have been more sad about it. She was sleeping in the front seat of the mini van and I was in the back listening to Sarah Mc, and outside it was snowing but it was so dark so the only light was street lights, so you know that orangey glow mixed with snow...just a really calming feeling. That was a really hard goodbye because i only got to see her twice that year and i was turning into a teenager and really needing her around.
So I guess this atmosphere that I did make for myself definitely did provoke some feelings, unique memories at least.
I think I'm also just thinking about her because we always talk about how we're such wusses because we don't have our ears pierced. Actually the last time we went shopping together we were at JC penny's and we asked the jewelry lady where the clip on earrings were and she was like clip ons?! for girls of your age! You're pulling my leg! and then shes like c'mon you should just go get them pierced and then come back and she pinched both of our earlobs telling us thats how bad it would hurt. Now that I think of it, that definitely didn't seem too weird at the time but I guess that is invasion of personal space at least overline between a customer and a sales associate...funny.
well anyways i had two sliver rods driven through my earlobs today for the first time today, an experience definitely... probably something I'll never do again especially since the lady at claire gave me an "Ooops!" on my right one. NEVER SAY OOPS !! gosh.
thats all i can manage tonight. Goodnight to all.