Fic: Lost Innocence

Jul 11, 2011 19:34

Title: Lost Innocence
Who: Allen Walker, Timcampy, Suman Dark
Summary: Suman’s Innocence is completely tainted. Allen found out what happened when an Exorcist’s Innocence got irreversibly corrupted.
“Suman!” Allen’s unable to reach him in time with a Dark Matter. The Golem that’s with Suman looked awfully pleased, as it flew away from the older Exorcist.

Allen’s wish-given ‘eye’ turned on and his hand--his normal, non-Innocence embedded one--immediately covered it from the sudden pain. But still, his body was still dashing towards Suman. Out of desperation, and from his wish’s compulsion.

But he’s too late.

Dark energy emerged from Suman’s Innocence, which looked an awful lot like a Dark Matter, and released into the sky above them. Then, his body started changing.

Allen stared down at the Dark Matter in his hands, worn out from the battle just now. “Suman...he...”

“Turned into a Noah.” Timcampy said, landing on front of Allen. “The taint from his Innocence overflowed and transformed him.”

“Is this what happen to us if we don’t purify them...?” Allen thought back to Suman, to all the Akumas he fought, and the Dark Matters he gathered up and used, or given away. The Dark Matters that’s too dark, which Timcampy would dispose of.

The Exorcists’ Innocences, their souls, changed them into their enemies as Dark Matters. Those very same Dark Matters that got ‘disposed of’ by the Golems.

Clenching Suman’s Dark Matter in his hand, Allen lashed out with his free one and grabbed Timcampy.

“Why didn’t you tell us this?!”

“You never asked.” Timcampy replied, steadily and without emotions. “But are you going to use that? You used up a lot of magic fighting him. How lucky of you that Suman Dark’s a newborn Noah, still weak and inexperienced.”

“You...!” How many people signed their souls away? How many of them despaired and transformed into the very thing they fight? And the disposed Dark Matters...they’re people’s souls being thrown away.

“Why are you so upset, Allen?”


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