my conclusion: im dying

Nov 07, 2005 10:11

so pretty much since thursday i have been sick! well friday morning i wake up def not feeling well and go to class come back and realize i need to go back to bed. wake up 2 hours later and i cant sit or stand for more than a minute without feeling dizzy or like im gonna pass out. that was a NO fun friday, missed lax, missed out on dinner with friends, missed out on a bunch of fun things everyone else did and got to be bored and sleep for over 20 hours cuz i was bed ridden. wake up sat morn and feelin a lot better the only bad thing was allergies which is normal. so sat was a pretty good day. then sunday it starts coming back but this time more of a cold rather than the 24 hour flu thing i had before. and now today the cold is much worse, woke up with stomach ache, REALLY sore throat, runny nose, and massive headache. so basically in conclusion i think im dying, cuz i dont know what is wrong with me, its like i get rid of one sickness and another comes along. but im loaded up on drugs now: aleve, advil, throat lossanges, nasonex, vicks vapor rub and airborne. so i used one of every med i have hopefully it will do somethin cuz i havent worked out since thursday and that is just not acceptable for me im gonna be out of shape by the time i can work out againAHHHHHHH!

part 2: i have been havin some CRAZY dreams lately. first one was about the love of my life: Michael Vartan. Hes a funny guy well at least in my dream he was. Second one i had last night and it was a bug nightmare. now that i think about it was super weird! long story but ended up jenn was driving and we got in a car accident cuz we drove off a cliff. i was fine but she had a neck injury and wouldnt stay lying down which is the worst thing to do when u have a neck injury but she was gettin mad at me when i was trying to help. it really wasnt like her at all. well anyway it was weird.

well thats a really long entry and im pretty sure nobody is gonna read it cuz its so intimidating but whatev
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