안녕 여러분!~~~
How are you? Is everything good? I hope so! ^____^ I'm sorry for not updating yesterday. I went and saw friends ^___^ And then I'm still watching a Taiwanese drama who has Fake Yunho...or should Yunho be called Fake Vanness since Vanness is definitely older than him? He's good friends with Kangta too! O.O He also starred in my first Asian drama EVER. So I gotta love Vanness. But Taiwanese dramas are hard to watch at times. When I watch them, they fill me with this foggy feeling where I want to yell, or cry, or laugh at the ridiculousness. Well, I guess Skip Beat wasn't that way, but that's different. Siwon's there. It was based off of my favorite manga. Anyways, enough of my drama rant. (Also, I've been working on my Korean! Woohoo! Wish me luck for that and finding a job! Please? ^___^) Anyways, have fun reading this entry! Comments are loved! You guys are wonderful!
Good Evening Journal,
Today was a productive day for me, or at least I’d like to think it was. I got up earlier than normal, read a couple of chapters in Acts for my daily devotion, got to work out, and got ready all before Kibum woke up. Since the two of us live and work together, we decided that it would be wise to travel together to work instead of separately. Then we wouldn’t have to worry about being late-if the chance ever occurred (which I highly doubt it would).
Oh, I was also able to successfully cook the two of us breakfast. I couldn’t let a rookie actor go to work without eating, that just wouldn’t be the right thing to do. And I couldn’t wake Sungmin up just so that we could eat. That would have been rude. So, I tried to make an American breakfast. When I researched online, it was said that an American breakfast was the easiest thing to make. I think I caught Kibum off guard because of the food that I made. I wonder when the last time was when he last saw an American styled breakfast. From his reaction, I bet it was quite a long time ago.
I also think that he’s opening up to me little by little here and there. If I stated that before, I apologize, but I’m quite glad for that. It’s obvious that he needs someone to lean on. And if I’m the one he chooses to lean on, I’ll gladly lend the shoulder. It’s the least I could possibly do for him.
Anyways, our work schedule for the day wasn’t as stressful as past work schedules I’ve had in the past, thank goodness. We arrived at the company around seven this morning. From there, we had a handful of meetings for the drama in itself. Sometimes, the process before filming is able to begin is long and drawn out. It’s probably the longest and most stressful part about it all. Even for this past week, we have gone through about twenty meetings. Why production staff members feel like so many meetings are important, I have no clue.
I kind of worry about how Kibum will handle/is handling this type of thing. For being a rookie among rookies, I’m shocked that he gained such a major role. (I have yet to actually see him act, but he does look determined, so I’m not worried about that aspect.) How will he take the publicity?
This is where I’m glad that I am now acquainted with him because I can protect him and walk with him through this process. I didn’t have anyone with me when I went through it, and I was terrified. I don’t want anyone else to go through that, let alone someone I live with.
When the man was falling asleep in the middle of our third meeting, I felt bad for him. So, I got to him first afterwards and gave him coffee to wake him up. When working these hefty schedules, any type of caffeine will become your best friend. Trust me on this. (I personally feel like coffee is the best source of caffeine when it comes to this area of work.)
We went through a total of six different meetings, and by the end we were drained of energy. Even I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. At the end, we were told that tomorrow will be our press conference. That means that we will start filming in a week at the latest. The meetings will undoubtedly intensify, and practice will definitely be needed. I will have to work a lot with Kibum on this. I hope that our other housemates won’t miss us too much. (And that they won’t get into trouble.) But I have faith in them.
As the two of us walked through our front door, ready to relax, we were greeted by an earful of noisy people. Three of the most experienced people in the company-aside from Kangta hyung-were hanging about our apartment as if they were living here as well. (Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind if they were…)
Kangin was wrestling with Eunhyuk on the living room floor. It was probably because Eunhyuk wanted to show off his “moves” to everyone else. Kyuhyun was trying to act all cute and cozy up to an annoyed Heechul. (Without a doubt, he let his tongue slip a few too many times…) Heechul was trying to get Donghae’s and Sungmin’s attention (since he likes to be the center of attention) while Leeteuk sat on the armrest of the couch with a book in hand. Because I was/am tired, it seemed like complete chaos.
When the others noted our appearance, Leeteuk warmly greeted us, Kangin grunted our way before attacking Eunhyuk once more, and Heechul appeared by my side to wrap his arms around me. To me, it wasn’t a big deal since he did that with everyone he encountered. I respectfully greeted everyone and allowed myself to be pulled to the middle of the commotion. Now that I was around, Kyuhyun quit being cute and sulked on one end of the couch as we sat on the other end next to Leeteuk. Heechul forgot about Sungmin and Donghae and began demanding praises from me.
It had been a while since I last spent time with my three hyungs, so it was nice. But I still worried about Kibum. Heechul ignored him, Leeteuk tried small talk, and Kangin tried picking on him when he grew bored of messing with Eunhyuk. But he was so tired that everyone gave up. I even began to wonder how he was going to make it through to dinner, which he obviously needed since we didn’t have time to eat lunch.
Magically, he made it past dinner and all the way until the three left for their homes. Once the door clicked shut, he passed out on the couch. God was definitely gracious enough to bless that man with the ability to sleep peacefully and normally. It’s beautiful.
Kyuhyun and Sungmin disappeared into their room for the night. Donghae curled up on the couch, hugging the life out of his fish, and is now watching a show. Eunhyuk disappeared somewhere. I don’t even know when he disappeared…
I should move Kibum to his bed, clean up, read some more of my Bible, and go to bed so that I’m well rested for tomorrow’s events. If I don’t write until later tomorrow, wish me luck on the press conference! Thank you for being here~
~Choi Siwon~
Entry Seventeen -- Eunhyuk)