Aug 24, 2006 20:56
Finish the sentence:
1. I've come to realize that my ex.... really did hurt me.
2. I am listening to... silence.
4. I love.... piercings.
5. My best friends are... nowhere near me.
6. I don't understand.... why you can't be happy.
7. I lost.... my will.
8. People.... depress me.
9. The meaning of my display name is... never figured that one out.
10. Love is... a battlefield.
11. Somewhere, someone is.... wishing they were with me.
12. I will always... want to die.
13. Angels are... nonexistent.
14. I never want to... use IV drugs.
15. My mobile phone is... the shit. kthx. bye.
16. When I wake up in the morning... i always consider staying up, but convince myself otherwise.
17. I get annoyed when i hear ... 'you're the one who got pregnant'.
18. I am thinking about... a future.
19. My kids are.... currently in bed, at a decent time, for once.
21. Today I.... took a piss test.
22. Tonight I will.... do this.
23. Tomorrow I will.... smoke a bowl?
24. I really want.... to be someone's one & only. & feel love/d.
25. The person most likely to do this is.... eh.