Boys and Bunny Ears

Aug 26, 2007 22:09

Bad Mothers Series - Stage Performance
They were destined for destruction. From birth.

Fuuma, Kamui, and Kotori were all lined up to get on stage for a school play. Toru had informed Kamui that she wouldn’t be able to make it, and that had depressed him for a little while. But Fuuma and Kotori assured him that Saya would make sure to tell her all about it, later, and she wouldn’t miss a thing.

“Fuuma!” Kamui grabbed his friend’s wrist and pulled him away from the line behind a curtain, “Look what I found!”

It was a box of crafts. From the looks of it, most were scraps or messed up props. Kamui kneeled down next to it and began digging. He soon pulled out the first item, “Fuuma, it’s kitty ears!” He slid the headband on and looked up at Fuuma, who decided the combination was too cute to live. “And there’s bunny ears, too.” He reached back in and slid the next set out, slipping them onto Fuuma before the boy could say otherwise.

Immediately Fuuma reached up to adjust the ears to the positions he preferred, one ear straight up the second flopped down.

Kamui returned to the box and this time Fuuma joined him. The older of the two found his first item of interest and examined the vial closely, “Kamui, look what I found.”

The smaller boy looked up excitedly, then frowned, “Fuuma, you know I hate glitter.”

“I know.”

“Then why’d you show me?” Kamui went back to the box, ignoring his friend.

Fuuma smiled evilly and pulled the top off the tube, pouring some glitter into his hand and sprinkling it over Kamui’s head. The other didn’t notice at all.

“Fuuma, look colore-Hey!” Kamui looked up at Fuuma’s hand, then dropped the bag of colored glue sticks to the floor and reached up to ruffle his hair in a vain attempt to rid it of the foul powder. Instead, the glitter simply fell further in and settled itself. “Fuuma, I can’t believe you did that!”

The image Fuuma was presented with was incredibly cute. So cute, in fact, that the urge to squeal almost, almost, overcame Fuuma. “But I like glitter,” He smiled less evilly, now.

“I know you like glitter,” Kamui nearly shouted, “but I hate glitter!”

“But glitter’s so pretty!”

“I don’t wanna look pretty!”

Fuuma paused. He thought. He replied, “Kamui, you are pretty.”

Kamui’s cheeks turned red, half from blushing and half from anger, “I am not!”

“Yes, you are! You totally are!”

“No I’m not!” Kamui, suddenly felt an urge to take revenge. He snatched the vial from Fuuma and dumped the rest of the glitter over the boy’s head, coating his hair. “HA! Now you’re pretty, too!”

Fuuma, seeing the glitter coming, quickly closed his eyes and ducked his head slightly. When Kamui was done, he reached up and ruffled his hair. Unlike Kamui, there was enough glitter that not only did much of it settle in Fuuma’s hair, but the rest fell and clung to his clothing where it became stuck. Fuuma didn’t mind glitter; he just prayed that Saya liked it on the rest of the laundry as much as he did.

Kamui stopped and stared up at Fuuma. He found himself a little upset that the glitter didn’t make Fuuma pretty as it had himself, instead it made Fuuma handsome. And there was a big difference between pretty and handsome.

“Class D-6,” A voice called, “You’re turn on stage!”

Fuuma looked down at Kamui, but Kamui was already up and grabbing for Fuuma’s hand, “That’s us! Hurry!”

The two ran toward the stage and arrived just in time to see the last of their class walk on. It occurred to Fuuma that they could have just joined the end of the line and pretended it was on purpose, but Kamui obviously wasn’t thinking this way as he dragged Fuuma across the stage in a futile attempt to get back into their rightful place in the line quickly. On their way they bumped into many students and knocked over two stage props. One was just the cut-out of a fairy, but the other was a castle tower that fell and harmlessly bopped two girls on the head. The girls, furious, turned around and threw the castle back the other way where it fell and just barely missed the Mitako twins.

The twins were known for their violent behavior and so it was not unexpected when they stalked across the stage toward the girls and were stopped just in time by two teachers. The girls, feeling safe, taunted the boys and stuck out their tongues which only made the twins fight against the teachers more ferociously. One of the boys fell over, taking the teacher with, and together they fell into a line of students. By now the students were panicking, trying to get out of the way, many just crowded at the front of the stage but some ran off and a select few even managed their way all the way out into the crowd by their parents.

Fuuma, giving in to another very evil urge, simply reached out and tugged the main prop down. The main prop being the giant card board castle the students had spent a whole week painting. The castle fell toward the students at the front of the stage and almost the entire line ducked or jumped off the stage, except a single student who only bowed and shielded his head. When the castle landed on him it bent and a nice fine crease was created in the board. He was able to crawl out from under it, after, and ran far out into the crowd.

Kamui decided chaos was a good place to be chaotic and pounced Fuuma. The two fell over and began play fighting on the stage. It was hardly noticed as they weren’t demanding as much attention as the crying, panicked children. They soon rolled off the stage behind the curtain and bumped the table that held all the lighting and sound equipment. The boys didn’t seem to care but the teachers did and three of them stalked across the stage, poking several holes in the card board castle with their stiletto heels in the process, and were able to watch as a keyboard and light fixture slid off the side of the table and crashed to the ground. Kamui and Fuuma rolled across the curtained “hall” and continued their roughhousing. Two of the teachers present attended to the broken keyboard and light as the third moved to break apart the boys just as they rolled into the back drop curtain and pulled dangerously on the beam above.

The teachers looked up in unison and were only thankful that the beam itself hadn’t fallen as the curtain’s fabric was ripped away from the clips holding it up along the entire stage revealing the backstage, which was really just a storage room with lined up students waiting to be let on. It was a little chaotic, there, too, but was nothing compared to the pandemonium in the audience. The teachers left the boys to calm the parents and escort students to where they belonged.

It was much later when everyone was gone except a troop of teachers, Saya, Kyougo, and Kotori that they returned to the boys behind the stage. They were now nicely and neatly wrapped in what remained of the back drop curtain and it took a team of five teachers to unravel them. When they could finally see the boys, again, they found Kamui straddling Fuuma with his hands on either shoulder and Fuuma’s arms were securely around Kamui’s waist. Their home room teacher asked them that classic question.

“Do you boys have anything to say for yourselves?!”

Neither boy said anything to the teachers, but Kamui, at least, said something.

“Ha! Pinned you! I win!”

Later, Kamui realized after the long talks, detention assignments, and stern looks all around, he was glad Toru hadn’t been there to see it.

fuuma/kamui, fuuma, crack, chibi, humor, x/1999, fiction, bad mothers, kamui

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