Coffee and Fruit Snacks 22

Aug 24, 2016 16:27

Title: And The Dancing
Series: Rise of the Guardians
Characters/Pairings: Jack Frost/Pitch Black
Genre: Humor, Romance
Rating: G
Comments/Warnings: It's Kam's birthday and she threw a prompt at me during my lunch break. Happy Birthday, Kamui~~~

It goes backwards in time, backwards in time, forwards in time. Since that could, you know, be confusing.

“He doesn't do anything, right?”

“Pretty much.”

Jamie tapped his pencil idly against his notebook and wondered if Jack had even thought about that answer before giving it, “Like, he sleeps all day.”

“Right.” But Jack didn’t look up from his work.

Not that it was important, or anything. Jamie was really just procrastinating by latching onto a wayward thought. That didn’t mean the curiosity wasn’t killing him. “So how does he stay so thin?”

Jack shrugged and answered frankly, “Forgetting to eat helps.”

“That's not healthy.”

“And the dancing,” Jack added.

Jamie blinked once.

“The what?”

There was a loud, ominous thump from behind the bathroom door. Jack was sure it was nothing, but he panicked anyway. Just on the off chance that it wasn’t nothing. At the very least, he needed to make sure Pitch was conscious and responding.

“Are you okay in there?”

Pitch waited far too long for Jack’s nerves to reply, “...yes.”

“Are you sure?” Jack pressed, leaning against the door to hear better, “What happened?”

“The uh…” Pitch trailed off, and worried the fuck out of Jack, “I tripped.”


“Over the shampoo.”

“...On the shelf?”

“I have long legs.”

Jack was no longer concerned. “You tripped over the shampoo on the shelf.” Well, not really.

“That’s what I told you,” Pitch defended, tone cautiously indignant.

It was time to call him out.

“You were dancing, weren’t you?”


“You were.”

“Was not.”

Jack sighed, “I don’t believe you. Pitch, I’m coming in.”

“Nodon’t,” Pitch made it sound like a single word.

“And then I’m calling your doctor.”

“That’s totally unnecessary!”

“So was the dancing, but you did it anyway.”

There was a long silence then, as Jack got out his phone and started looking up the doctor’s number. When Pitch finally answered, it was with the gravity of everything he held sacred and dear on his tongue.

“Jack, the dancing is always necessary.”

Pitch was in the middle of seeing just how long he could spin on his toes when Jack’s voice interrupted him.

“That’s awfully elaborate choreography for pointless kitchen dancing.”

“Dancing is never pointless,” Pitch argued, sashaying his way over and taking Jack’s hand.

The younger man was awkward about it, but he let Pitch pull him close. Oddly, ironically, this was the heaviest Jack’s steps had ever been that Pitch had seen. It was like the man was dragging bricks on his toes.

“Eh…” Jack considered, “I think that’s probably a matter of opinion.”

Pitch twirled, trying to force Jack into the light steps he knew Jack usually took, “Look, I’ve tricked you into my arms already!”

“It wasn’t a trick; I came willingly,” Jack laughed.

“Hush Jack,” Pitch held him close and swayed, “Feel the magic of the dance.”

“I’m feeling something, but I’m not sure it’s magic.”

That meant something was wrong, and Pitch instantly realized what it was. Turning on his heel, he started toward his bedroom, “We need music.”

But Jack pulled him back, “We need dinner. What were you doing in the kitchen anyway?”

Because it wasn’t cooking, that was certain. With wide eyes, Pitch remembered, “Oh! Waiting for you, of course. How was class?”

“Less eventful than the five minutes since I’ve come back,” Jack admitted with a smile.

The pleased smirk that pulled at Pitch’s lips was criminal, “Just as planned.”

Jack shook his head, but pushed on. He had stumbled across Pitch doing… ballet or gymnastics or something in their little dorm kitchen and he had to ask, “But why were you dancing?”

Warm hands felt their way around the small of Jack’s back and pulled him back into the silent rhythm of Pitch’s dance. The answer was no answer at all.

“I didn’t know I needed a reason.”

“I need a rose!”

Jack swore and chased after his boyfriend, “For what?!”

“To tango, Jack!” he called over his shoulder.

“But I can’t tango!”

“I can!” Pitch sounded way too confident about this, “That’s all we need!”

"So glad I have your doctor on speed dial…”

ficlet, pitch black, humor, fiction, blackice, rotg, jack frost, coffee and fruit snacks

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