Coffee and Fruit Snacks 10

Jan 23, 2016 01:40

Title: Thanksgiving
Series: Rise of the Guardians
Characters/Pairings: Jack Frost/Pitch Black
Genre: Humor, Romance
Rating: T
Comments/Warnings: Pitch wonders, Jack obviously doesn't.

“So what are we doing for Thanksgiving?”

Pitch was trying to be casual. They hadn’t talked about it, but it was a holiday and the college would be closed and Pitch wanted to ensure Jack at least took that day off. He worked far too hard not to.

“Oh, shit,” Jack cursed and turned around in his chair to face Pitch, abandoning his textbooks on the kitchen table behind him, “I meant to tell you: I’ll be spending it with my sister back at my place, so you don’t have to worry about me being all alone in the dorm, okay?”

That was actually not Pitch’s worry. Although Pitch’s worries, such as they were, took a backseat the moment Jack offered up some personal information. Out of respect, Pitch never interrogated him, but when Jack opened the door…


“Yeah. I mean, I think her foster family would rather I just celebrate with them, but our traditions are a little different and they’re pretty cool about the situation, so…”

“Foster family?” Pitch repeated in interest, and then, “Hers?” Not Jack’s?

Who didn’t seem to have any clue just how interesting he was being to Pitch right now, “Yeah. Since I was old enough to be emancipated, I didn’t need one. They’re really great. They treat her just like a daughter even though it’s temporary, but still let me have her for all the, yanno, family holidays and things. So I’m picking her up from there in the morning and she’s staying overnight.”

Pitch was sure that if he were the kind of person who was so inclined, his heart would be melting at this revelation. Instead, he was burning with curiosity. He figured that Jack had no contact with parents, but having that confirmed only added more questions. And now there was a sister? Pitch could not wait to meet her. Was she anything at all like Jack? If she was, Pitch was going to like her.

“Excellent. Then I’ll bring the turkeys,” because Pitch could not imagine that Jack did not cook his own meal given everything he’s seen these past months, “and some sparkling cider and you can bring the tradition and a guest!”

“A guest?” Jack repeated, disbelief painting his voice like he couldn’t believe his own flesh and blood was being reduced to the status of a party attendant, but then, “Turkeys?”

“Of course. Don’t you cook them two different ways for variety?” Pitch asked, but he really had no idea how most families celebrated. Thanksgiving wasn’t really a European thing.

By the look Jack was giving him, that was not how he did it, “It’s just the two of us, Pitch. Two turkeys would go bad before we could eat them.”

“The three of you,” Pitch corrected mildly, “and I will put away a lot of turkey.”

The uncertain expression that adorned Jack’s face was priceless, in Pitch’s opinion, “I, um… I mean, I’m not trying to be… Don’t you have a family to be with on Thanksgiving?”

He was so sweet, and yet so American, “You mean my family across the pond?”

If the uncertainty was priceless, the sudden sheepishness was a treasure, “Oh, right. Um.” And then Jack was smiling, and it was the cutest thing Pitch had seen all week, “Care to join us for Thanksgiving, Pitch?”

He was hilarious. Pitch loved it. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Jack.”

ficlet, romance, pitch black, humor, blackice, rotg, jack frost, coffee and fruit snacks

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