Title: Who Can? Pete Can!
Fandom: [Bandom] Fall Out Boy
Characters/Pairing: Pete/Patrick
Word Count: 77
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, general crack.
A/N: So,
faerie_lullaby and I are walking to Sals for some food stuffs at like, 12:30-1is in the morning. We were discussing a fic she wrote with scrabble, I babbled this…then wrote it when we arrived at said local 24 hour restaurant. And now I present it to you. Enjoy.
Please ignore the fact that I have no idea HOW to play scrabble, and I’m sure Pete’s name is more letters than there are tiles allowed oO
Patrick looked from Pete to the board between them.
Then back at Pete.
Then he settled at glaring at the board.
“What?” Pete asked.
“Pete,” Patrick sighed, lifting his glasses a tad to pinch the bridge of his nose, “That’s an illegal move.”
“What?! No it’s not!”
“You can’t put names in Scrabble.”
“But…it’s my name.”
“I don’t care!”
“Yeah?! Well I’m Pete fucking Wentz, and I win! Forever!”
Then Pete flipped the board.
End Of Story