[fics] Snuggle Fuzz[BWoC] | Love[DCU] | Stay[CSI: Miami]

Feb 02, 2008 19:58

I was going through some of my old posts and I found a post where I had asked for prompts to write drabbles with. One was for faerie_lullaby, one for merfilly and one for scifirogue_kane
I had them typed up in the comments, but figured I post thm for everyones enjoyment

Title: Snuggle Fuzz
Fandom: Big Wolf On Campus
Prompt: N/A
Requestor: faerie_lullaby
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own this

Tommy wasn't one to get particularly angry with Merton.

Especially not after all the...ahem...favors...he'd done for him.

Damn those were good favors....

Back to the matter at hand! 'Favors' or not, Merton was not getting away with this...this...Tommy was too angry to even think of what 'this' was.


The growl had Merton turning from his locker to face his lover with a sheepish smile.

"Um, Tommy. I can explain that..."

"You can explain yelling 'Snuggle Fuzz' at me across the damn football field?!"

"Well, I did get your attention, and you did get that slimy monster...thing."

"Snuggle Fuzz Merton! You called me Snuggle Fuzz!"

"Yeah...but...but" For all of Merton's quick wit and blunt, straightforward thinking he couldn't come up with a good excuse as to why Tommy shouldn't kill him.

Then one popped into his head.

"...But I love you."

Tommy opened his mouth to fight back, shut it with a growl and turned to stalk away.

He'd slapped that damn smart-assed mouth if it wasn't just so...


Title: Love
Fandom: DCU
Prompt: Love
Requestor: merfilly
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The only thing I own are the comics, nothing else

Of all emotions that the humans went through, the hardest for J'onn to grasp was love.

It wasn't that he didn't know what love was, it was just different to him. Love didn't mean hurting your child (though they said 'disipline') when they misbehaved, love didn't mean leaving to fight another contry to let others worry sick about you...love wasn't supposed to be that bad.

"J'onn? You okay?"

It figured that he would be found, the speedster always seemed to know. Even in the far reaches of some lost lonely island in the middle of no where in the Pacific, Wally would find him.

"I'm fine,"

The Martian looked up at the smiling green eyes hidden behind a cowl and could think only one thing.

Love was pure and unbriddled, and he wished the rest of his new home world could see it like this one did.

"Let's go home."

Title: Stay
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Prompt: hurt/comfort
Requestor: scifirogue_kane
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I own the DVDs, but that doesn't count

How many times had he gone out only to have his heart broken in more ways than he thought possible?

How many times had he fled to the arms of his best friend, who seemed to be the only one ever able to console him?

Too many times, if you asked either.

Eric was tired of all these lies, and Speed was done with trying to make the Cuban feel better for them.

"Stay with me..."

The words were so soft Eric almost missed them. But he didn't.

Absently he glanced up and was caught in the intense gaze that Speed always seemed to have. He slowly nodded and rested his head back in its previous posistion on Speed's chest.

He didn't feel so bad anymore.

fics for others, challenges

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