{NOTE: This very late story just refuses to be a ficlet--it wants to be a short chapter fic instead. Sorry. Here's the link to the first posted chapter if you're still interested in reading it. I'll have the rest up soon enough.}
Lucidity (1/?)
twisted_slinkyFandom: Supernatural/ Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Castiel makes a choice that sends Dean to another place, another time. The girl, witch, Luna, is she the one Dean's here to meet? Dean/Luna. Season 7 spoilers. WIP
luna_del_cielo prompted a Luna/Dean story - "She wasn't human. At least, he didn't think. And Dean didn't mean the fact that she was a witch. No, there was something...ethereal about her. Her facial expressions reminded him of Cas and her passion for life reminded him of Anna - and that glint in her eye when she was slyly joking with him? Definitely Gabriel."
Warnings: SPOILER for Supernatural Season 7, Episode 1!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Supernatural. The definition is from the Merriam-Webster dictionary.