Title: Bright Nights (Kittens, Children and No Rubber Ducks)
pprfaithSummary: If the telepath won't come to the vampire, the vampire will come to the telepath. AU, third in the series.
Prompt/Prompter: X-Men: First Class,
Rubber Duck!VerseCharles/Erik, Their evening gets interrupted by murder, mayhem and madness. - for
Peaceful_fury and Jenn, who gave me pretty much identical prompts.
Rating: R
Warnings: Vampirism, crack, kittens, past-tense angsting and children.
Disclaimer: I do not own the fandoms I am writing in and I make no money off this. Fun, not profit.
A/N: So. I meant to write this anyway, so the prompts were awesome and I hope I did them justice. The end is a bit abrupt and the whole thing perhaps a bit more cracky than intended, but
vesselandpestle dared me to write something with kittens, rainbows and unicorns in it. I didn’t manage the rainbows and unicorns, but the kitten totally got stuffed into this. See?
In which there are kittens, children, shoes, and, surprisingly, no rubber ducks at all, for once. Huh. +