Day 17 . BtVS/Losers . Buffy/Jensen/Cougar . Meet the Losers

Dec 22, 2015 12:33

title: Meet the Losers
summary: In which Faith finally meets B's toy soldiers. And finds she likes them. Wink wink.
fandom: BtVS/Losers
pairings: het and slash
rating/warnings: Dirty. So damn dirty, the humor!
prompt: For syddracc, who asked for Faith meeting the Losers in my Some you Lose verse. Which is not yet posted here.

The gist: Post Chosen Buffy hooks up with the Losers, gets the nickname 'Mom', tattoos, an attitude, and then leaves them in time for the movie to happen, only to help them out post-Max. Uploading the rest of this verse onto AO3 is a goal for the hols.

Also, fifteen years of writing fanfic, and this is the dirtiest thing I've ever written. And there's no sex in it, hot damn.

Read on AO3

pairing: moresome, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: the losers, rating: r, author: pprfaith

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