Day 12 . barefoot . BtVS/Avengers . Steve/Buffy/Bucky . One-Shot .

Dec 24, 2013 16:59


author: pprfaith
title: barefoot
summary: In which Buffy keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop. Threesome.
warnings: Buffy and her bad luck in love. Avengers canon.
length: 4.2k
disclaimer: As always, I own nothing.
prompt:xgirl2222 asked for, Buffy/Avengers, Steve/Buffy/Bucky AKA Winter Soldier, Buffy has been dating Steve for 6 months and it's been perfect. That's why she's been waiting for the shoe to drop the past 3 months. Said shoe seems to have taken the shape of Steve's former brain washed, best friend/lover/enemy who she may or may not have had a brief affair with before dating Steve (What! Deniability is one of her best friends). By the way they both look at each other, Buffy is sure she's about to be dumped. Except that they look at her the exact same way they look at each other, and both of them seem pretty intent on making her stay. Somewhere Buffy is sure that Lady Luck and Eris are laughing their asses off.
-- I feel like I should have maybe just paraphrased. Also, I’m all upside down this year. Angsty prompts turn cracky, cracky ones angsty.

Since this is the last one from me this year, I wish you all a happy holiday lots of consumerist validation and a good time, whether you celebrate or not.




fandom: avengers, fandom: buffy, fanfiction, author: pprfaith, crossover

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