pprfaithtitle: Five Times Harry Potter Tried to Uncover Buffy Malfoy’s Evil Plot of World Domination (and Failed. A Lot.)
summary: In which Harry thinks Buffy has horcruces because, seriously, no woman in her mid-forties looks like that.
warnings: Crack that kind of died halfway through and turned sad? Epilogue compliant.
length: 3.3k
disclaimer: As always, I own nothing.
moonagestardust asked for B:tVS/HP, immortal!Buffy/Draco, Harry(/Ginny), other HP characters,(Lily/Scorpius), At his daughter's wedding to Scorpius Malfoy, Auror Potter realizes that Malfoy's odd and remarkably well-preserved wife is actually not aging at all and he starts to wonder if there's horcruxes or something equally dark involved. He becomes obsessed with uncovering the mystery and decides to put her under surveillance to see if she's up to something nefarious. Nothing had prepared him and his team of Aurors for the insanity that was Buffy Summers-Malfoy.
- I feel like I should have paraphrased.
Either way, I hope you like. If you don’t, accept my sincerest apologies. I think I may suck at crack.
Five Times Harry Potter Tried to Uncover Buffy Malfoy’s Evil Plot of World Domination (and Failed. A Lot.) +