Not Particularly Renowned for Faith - HP/Narnia

Dec 12, 2013 01:04

Title: Not Particularly Renowned for Faith
Author: teaandhoney / smolder
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. And Narnia belongs to C.S. Lewis.
Rating: PG-13
Prompt/Prompter: for nevrafire who prompted: Trying to pick up the pieces after the War the Trio find the magic wardrobe and end up in Narnia. They stay there helped them in their journey to heal. (I'll love it if the people that great them from Narnia *other than Aslan obviously* would be Lucy and Susan. or Lucy and Edmund. (Susan or Edmund because they had their moments of doubt/weakness about Aslan, so I figure they could conect best with skeptical!Hermione and confused about Heaven! Harry.
Spoilers: Post-Series on Harry Potter. No real spoilers for Narnia - just a general knowledge needed.
A/N: Reviews are Good.

Over on AO3

fandom: chronicles of narnia, fanfiction, author: teaandhoney, crossover, fandom: harry potter

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