Day 8: my eyes when I couldn't see (Glee, NC-17) for demented_mei

Jan 20, 2013 16:54

Title my eyes when I couldn't see

Author: JaqofSpades

Fandom: Glee

Characters/pairing: Tina Cohen Chang, Rachel Berry/Noah Puckerman.

Prompt/er: demented_mei asked for “Tina's Dreamscape-Verse. While recovering
from the knock to her head in the mall fountain, Tina starts having
strange--and oddly erotic--dreams about a certain Puckleberrylicious
couple happening in that weird world where everyone swapped bodies.”

Rating: NC17

Wordcount: 2999

Summary: A few hours in Rachel's body, and Tina is seeing the world with fresh

eyes. Even when she's asleep.

Read at my LiveJournal.

rating: nc 17, pairing: het, fandom: glee, author: jaq_of_spades

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