Jul 22, 2006 18:53
So, I'm back. I'm sure you all missed my internet alter-ego immensely. In an effort to keep my peeps informed while not running up an outrageous cell phone bill, I have decided to throw caution (well, really laziness and apathy) to the wind and pick up the old blogging. . .something. . .again. I now have two blogs, no waiting--livejournal or xanga (whichever you prefer, dear reader, as the posts will most likely be exactly the same on each one).
Well, I'm in Boston. After two years of planning, and about two months of freaking out and second-guessing, I finally made it. My first day here was a sweltering 95 degrees, and I express now my staunch disapproval for that kind of weather. Part of the grand master plan was to become an East Coast Girl and never sweat again. Luckily for me, a tropical storm followed me up here; although, I must note, the impact of Beryl was considerably less stressful than the tropical weather in my former abode.
I'm staying with my friend Tanner in an old house with lots of secret passages and stairwells and. . .A BASEMENT! Those who know me well know that I have always wanted to live in a house with a basement. Add some magic to this place, and I'm practically a Weasley (another dream of mine. . .). His roommates are cool. I'm taking a look at a permanent-type living area on Sunday--an apartment with two girls who love West Wing enough to have a cat named C.J. They sound cool, so I hope their apartment is cool also. Job hunting has begun. I've sent out a few resumes, but will probably try to find part time work while I keep looking because a) I like money, and b) sitting around all day doing nothing gets pretty boring. So, I'm sorry to say, I may not have closed the chapter on my retail life just yet.
Finally, the city. The city. Is. Awesome. I walked around town for hours a few days ago, just trying to take it all in. I was overwhelmed, sullen, homesick, killing time until Stephanie got off work, and I walked across the Charles into Cambridge. I stopped about midway across the bridge, turned and looked at the cityscape, and BAM! I live here now, and my life is gonna be awesome.