SMTown in Bangkok!
It was almost 4:00 pm, me and my 2 thai friends we're in our way to Rajamangala Stadium, our dream wil come true god i was so desperate to get there , we were late(that happen 'cause we spend so much time shopping LOL) when we arrive i thoguht "OMG i've never seen so much people wearing blue and red in my life..LOL" I delt out of place ..xD i was wearing a light blue shirt,one of my friends was wearing brown and the other orange..LOL.. so yeah i feel out of place.^^U so we walked to the shop store to buy our lightstick.. I got to buy a SHINee ligthstick and a SJ ligthstick there was onlu 20 minutes left for the concert start so we went to the entry of the stadium..O.O IT WAS FULL so much people!..LIKE 15 MINUTES more i get in FINALLY!! we run to find our gate..TT it was so far! we really run a lot!..finally we get in and OMG the view was so #%^@#^ beautiful and far!..XD but anyways we wait unpatienly!!..then the Countdown 9..8..7..6..5...4...3...2...1...BOOM!!! the soundtrack of run it sound!! ...SHINee!!! was there OMG I fall in love with them !!! so hot! so smexy so hudsome so beautiful so lovely so adorable!! everything!!..xD ok first Onew or Jinki Oppa! god! he is so hundsome! so adorable his smile just made me melt everytime!! his muscle arms!! so sexy!!..xD i love him!!....Taemin-ah so $%#^@ adorable and cute! he is really cute!! my son!! i love U I really want a kid like him..TT so impossible..xD buy the way taemin-ah you must eat more so skinny.TT...Minho-ah defenitely! HOT!!! but so skinny..TT never mine i love he's sexyness hisrao i *dies* gahh so HOT....Jonghyun-ah! he is so HUNDSOME! omg really for me he was hundsome but no too much but reallly really in real he IS REALLY hundsome and sexy!! friends got crazy of him!..XD ...and Key-ah! omma!! you are such a beauty!!..xD so female but he has something that make him so #$R$ sexy and hot!...even he looks more like a girl but I still lov U omma! after Run it they present in thai like this: " Sawasdee Krab(Hello) We are SHINee" and said their names an all then LSGO soo freakin hyper!! LOL they run from the main stage to the central one ...sad they ddn't came to the last one (in front of me) Jonghyun really love this song!..xD he was jumpig and emjoying..key & minho rap was the best!!..taemin so adorable with his rap..XD and Onew did a Saranghae after came back to the main stage *dies* so cute!!! i love him so much!! and then Real!! their dance! was pretty cool! even thogh they didn't sing it live..TT but it was good! then SNSD came with Into the New World ..they really got much fans there!! SNSD unnis fighting!! since this more my fanfirling with SHINee I will talk when Key-ah came again with his sunbaenims for the rap contest! was cool even i didn't listen too much 'cause the fans were screaming so loud that I at least could listen Key-ah ending rap..TT but great!! key raps are always great!!..oh Key was wearing an black outfit so hundsome!! I really love his hair!!...xD
then Jonghyun with Kyuhyun oppa! that song was LOVE and Jonghyun outfit gahh i love it look so good on him well everything looks good on him..xD!...then Jinki oppa! with his Ryeowook and Yesung sunbaenim!..really even junki crack..xD i love it was so beautiful!! i couldn't get off my eyes of him! he was so near me that I was looking at him in all the song it was like my dream only both of us! LOL SO FANGIRLING..Xd well then they came back for LLO so smexy and cool!! OMO i was so surprise Thai SHAWOL prepare a special time for them it was beautiful the part up of the tribum was all green so beautiful i hope they saw that!! i felt so happy at that moment!! the In my ROOM! THAT was the best performance of that song I fell more in love!!..xD and then AMIGO!! everybody singing AMIGO!! was great!! thai fans are so loveable!...go Thai SHAWOL obviously I got to scream a lot! 4 them! lov u guys!^^ then they comeback 4 they're last performance toguether with Replay Boom Track ..ok i have to say some words more before they could go on stage to sing Replay TVXQ was singing Love in the Ice when suddenly they came with scotter that was so cute! taemin was playing all around like a child!! adorable but the thing is my friend thought it was SJ-Happy..LOL SHE confused taemin with was funny she was screaming SUNGMIN!! SUNGMIN!! LOL when I noticed that I tall her mhjmjh eh..licky he is not sungmin it's taemin and they are SHINee not SJ omo shut up it's so embarrasing..xD..'cause tehy listen her i don't know how!! but i fell that they were lookinig at us embarrasing was only jonghyun-ah and Key-ah (minho and jinki were talking to a staff and taemin was playing around with the scoote...XD) they're face look was like: "WTF! I'm obviously not to old! ROFL we are so Young!!..AND we are SHINee..xD" ok that's what i key stop looking us and start to wave the fans and move his arms at the ritm of the song but jonghyun keep looking us it was so embarrasing that i look to other place but then I smile 'cause taemin cuteness makes me melt! so I start to scream tamein!! taemin!!..but then junki oppa come to key so i scream more Onew!! OnEW!! AND my friends start to scream to for Key and taemin..xD when tvxq FINISH they go to the stage and perform Replay ...Yeah maybe I'm so lucky that jonghyun notice us but ...waa why in that way TT i love them i obviously recognise them but yeha at least they look at us..LOL then when they finish i keep screaming for them and taemin wave us!! so cute!! gahh my son is so adorable!!^^....and tehy didn'y came back till all the SMartist came togueter and play!!...gah so cute!! I remember minho tried to wet Ryeowook..but he failed so Ryeowook came back for revenge and he GOT to wet him!! so funny!!...Key dancing with SooYoung Gee!..xD..keya!! so girly!! but I love u Omma!...Jinki i didn't got to see you..TT...jonghyun neither!! muchpeople on stage with SNSD unnis & SJ oppas the stage was so full!..oue boys had fun!! i will always remember this experience!!..Thank You SHINee 4 this experience!! Love U All!! but more to Jinki oppa!..xD
SHINee Calendar 2009 Fansing!
I was late again..XD..(and for been shopping too.xD) it was 3 pm so I went to buy my SHINee desk calendar it was oly left 15 people to get the ticket and be the lucky fan to get they're signature but I was no lucky..TT...for 5 girls more i didn't get mine..TT so lame! but i got my calendar1!.xD buy the way I love it it has Jinki oppa fo March and in March is my Birthday!!..XD...ok well SHINee will arrive at 6 pm so i had to wait 3 more hours! ..I was so starving but if we left we may loose our sits..while we wait for them! there were cover!..gahh i rally wnat to dance like them! the MC was fooling around..TT i got crazy everytime he said OMO SHINee is here!..but he was kidding!!..I was starting to hate SHINee finally arrived OMG tehy were more near me than the day of the concert!!..gahhh so fucking Hundsome and smexy!! I was triying to take pics buy I couldn't my hand didn't stop to move like crazy LOL heart was BOOM BOOOM BOOOM i thoght my heart will go out nervous and so happy at the same time!..Junki oppa! was far from me..TT again......but in green he looks so good! and his smile made me melt all the time I really fall in love of him!!..he is so perfect!! his smile, his voice, his cuteness, his imperfect things, his sangtae is PERFECT for Me!...lalala!! taemina! omo more cute!! than ever in yellow! always smiling and waving! such a good! boy!..Jonghyun
#$@#$! so hot! and sexy!!! and his expression so funny he was like " yeah I know you love me! I know I'm so hundsome."..LOL Minho!! gahh so tall!!!..TT!! but so Hot!! in blue!! gahh minho-ah! his expession was:" OMO this noona is so beautiful mhmhmh not bad yeah noona i know you love me too..mmm a sexy noona,...mmm...LOL!!" it's 'cause he had his fingers in his mouth all the time! and he always looking the noonas!! so funny my friends also told me that!..hahahha...Key ah! in black! so hundsome and beautiful!..xD...he was more near me!! i could see all his moves!! so beautiful and elegant! and his divaness!..LOL he was waving us more than teh others!..thak you key omma!^^ that finish my day!! i really had a good dream taht night! the best in so long time!!
THANK YOU SHINee for make my dreams come true and make me so happy