its been one of those days...

Feb 15, 2005 21:47

spanish is such a great way to start the day...dont know what the hell's going on but me cedes and judy have fun

prob/stat eh..stupidest class ever

govt..nothing exciting as usual cept she called on me and i hate that i get so nervous and besides i didnt know what to say bc i totally bsed my way through 3 pages of that paper

dance-the hip hop piece is so awesome i feel like such a white girl tho

had a good talk with josh while i was taking him to karate..thanx for the advice on the "boy" issue

the bad stuff...most of yall already know

DR PENNEY IS SUCH AN IDIOT!!!!! First she waits til the last moment to give us our schedules for Baltimore but that wasnt that bad just a regular dr penney moment...but heres the thing...I feel very disrespected, looked-down on and pissed of that they didn't even think to ask any of the tap seniors if they wanted to take the audition class for scholarships for colleges and stuff..but the thing is theres 8 spots 9 dt seniors and 2 (being caitlyn and amanda) not doing it so whos the mystery 8th person...that leaves Me Faith Steph Patricia Erin and Rayna...uggghhhh

Enough venting for the night
Got compeition this weekend at the terry theater if u wanna come see me shake my thing on the stage for the last time competing

mucho amore
<33 jess
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