(no subject)

Jan 15, 2009 23:15

I used to have people complimenting me, ' Ur hair looks so nice', ' I like ur hair!' blah blah blah.......  Even a sicko guy I rem.. who tried to befriend me... oh no.. in fact 2 sicko guys.  Sicko no. 1 appears when I'm waiting for my cousin at Orchard control station.  He came forward & talked to me then said that, '你的头发很美,你去那里弄的?'  I was like thinking.. ‘Com'on, stop bullshitting & stop trying to 'Por' me'.. Then came a Hero who was a total stranger, saw my irritated face as I kept on telling tat sicko guy I'm not interested in knowing him, tat hero just walked to the sicko and pretended to be my friend & ask tat sicko to leave.  HAHAHa..  I was like quite stunned that time.. As its really rare to find such hero.. LOL..  clap clap!  Btw, that sicko no. 1 was wearing a rather sheer white t-shirt that looks like it has been washed many times, a bermudas, slippers (very off) & many red bulky plastic bags.. Looking very uncle lor..... (super off)....... Tat time I was very young.. ard 18, 19yrs....

Another sicko no. 2  was when I'm waiting for my bus home, this guy tricked me by saying that his phone is spoiled then ask me to lend him mine, then he use my phone to call his phone... then say,' eh nothing wrong leh'... I wasn't keen to talk to him any further then suddenly, the wind blows... he said, '  你的头发很美 hor?' I was very irritated by him as he kept on talking to me but I cant  walk off as I need to wait for my bus.  Finally, the bus was here & as soon as I board the bus, my phone rang.. 'Hello?'  Then this guy on the line said, 'Hello, are you May?'  I replied, ' No'.. Then this guy went on & on, ' Are you Jane? Are you Joanne?' 'Are you this & that'............ I suddenly remind of that guy so I said, 'HELLO, U are that guy just now right? Why don't u say so & still want to pretend?'  I wasn't quite happy... In fact, I was SUPER Boiled up inside... and he just ' Hhee Hee' .. So i hang up.  This happen abt 3-4yrs back... When I'm writing this now, I'm still very boiled-up................. %#&$FH@*($&_*@Y_(@)^*@()&

Sorry, back to topic.  I was born with natually straight hair except for some parts of my fringe tends to be rebellious at times.. & rather fine & not exactly black hair..  During sec 1, a Malay guy sitting behind me also confessed that he likes me & part of the reason was becuz he likes my hair.  Hahaa..... Eversince the evolution of rebonding technology started, not many ppl compliment me anymore...sadz.. Now, as long as you can afford rebonding, you can have straight shiny hair. nbsp; Basically, rebonding is a miracle for many girls.  Tho, I also benefitted from it.  It makes one hair very manageable, smooth & shiny.  As far as I can recall, I've done rebonding abt 3...max 4 times.  The last time I did it was 2 yrs back.   After many years of chemically treating my hair, I decided not to dye my hair since 3 yrs back which is when I joined 'SPA'.  For this entry, I wish to share how I take care of my hair & products I've used so far.  Let me know if there's any other better products you've used.

1st Step - Know ur hair type & Choose the suitable shampoo for your hair

Many people may not know what's their hair type.  Some just touch their hair ends -which is normally dry becuz nowadays people dye or chemically treat their hair & thought that their hair is dry type.  What you have to do is to touch ur hair scalp.  If its oily by mid noon or at the end of the day with 'shines' on ur scalp then ur hair type is- Oily.  For me, I belong to the oily hair type.  When I use shampoo that is very moisturizing like Dove, Elserve & Ascience, my hair will look flat even after blow drying & will feel oily & heavy abt a few hours later.. as if I nv wash my hair thoroughly..  Most importantly, I hate flat hair.  So right now, I'm using Herbal Essence (volumizing for fine hair).  Its the only non oily shampoo I can find & it really removes all the oil at the end of the day.  Alternatively, I also use Keratase Resistance Bain De Force Shampoo.  It fortifes & reinforces the internal substance of weakened hair and improves the resistance deep down for greater vitality and substance.  Have been using this for years since recommended by my hair stylst during poly sch days.. I feel that it smell a bit like apple flavour & it moisturize & fortify my hair without weighting it down.  Unlike those shampoo I mentioned earlier..  those really moisturizes my hair so much that it leave me having a  'heavy' feeling & give me flat hair roots.

2nd Step - Moisturize your hair

Yea, give ur hair a treat!  Moisturize ur hair especially the hair ends.  If you don't, you'll end up with tangled hair & split ends.  The first hair mask I bought was this.

Keratase Nutritive Masquintense Intense Enriching Treatment, Fine.

This comes in 2 types for fine & thick hair.  A little bit of this is all it takes.  Very good for dry hair ends.  But since Keratase products are quite pricey, I only use 2 tubs.  Soon after, I bought Elserve hair mask which I find it good enough for my hair too & it cant go wrong since there are actually from the same brand, diff product line.  I will normally get a hair mask than a conditioner as hair mask is more intensive from what I know.  Some ways of doing hair treatment at home can be applying hair mask to ur hair (normally to the bottom 1/4 to half of ur hair), then dip a terry cloth shower cap into hot water & cap it over ur head.  Repeat the step when there's no more steam or not hot enough.

If not, you can buy this DIY home treatment hair kit


1. after shampoo-ing ur hair, spread the treatment essence onto ur hair evenly, and wrap it up with a towel.
2. Put on the treatment cap
3. Connect a hairdryer to the opening of the treatment cap
4.Switch on the hairdryer and let the hot air heat within the cap
5. rinse off after application

The treatment caps is made of special material that are designed with special ventilation holes that allows circulation of hot air inside the cap,forming a hot air convection.  Online blogshops selling about $9.50 for the treatment cap with free treatment essence.

3rd Step - Protect your hair ends

A classical split end, with gross disruption of the cortex

You do not want ur hair to look like this

Recently, I've started to changed from Elseve Smooth Intense range to this Elseve Nutri-Gloss haircare system.  Its meant to be-- Mirror-shine, cashmere touch. Detangles instantly. Perfectly nourished, the hair fiber becomes stronger, and more dynamic. Your hair will look revived.  The hair mask is so far so good.  However, I'm more keen on the Nutri Gloss spray ( on the right).  I'm so gonna to buy it.

Yup, get a serum after blowdrying your hair.


This brand is a total stranger to me till I read reviews on this from forums & many people spreeing on this.  I got the sample size of 6 capsules from Watson for about $1.95.  To my surprise, it works better than the Elseve smooth intense.  My hair dont tangle as much after using this.  If you're buying the whole bottle of 50 capsules, Watson is selling $16.50, Venus $10.95, online is $11.50.  Comes in 4 colours. Pink is for damage hair which is also the most popular one.



.:. Food for healthy hair .:.

Protein & iron - Rich diet help the cells to grow. And, good source of iron-rich protein comprise tofu, soybeans, lentils, beans and black-eyed peas.

Vit C - Good source of vitamin C are guava, peppers, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, pineapple, papayas, lemons, broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts.

Vitamin B thrive can cause shedding, slow growth, or weak hair that is prone to breaking. Source of Vitamin B-6 are fortified whole-grain breakfast cereals, garbanzo beans, wild salmon, lean beef, pork tenderloin, chicken breast, white potatoes (w/skin), bananas, and lentils. Sources of Vitamin B-12 are shellfish (clams, oysters, crab), wild salmon, fortified whole-grain breakfast cereal, soy milk, trout, lean beef, and low-fat cottage cheese.

Mineral zinc is must for your hair tissue to grow and repair. Lack of zinc can be a reason for hair loss, slow hair growth and dandruff.  To avoid all these hair problems eat food product that includes zinc like oysters, lean beef, crab, ostrich, pork tenderloin, peanut butter, wheat germ, turkey, veal, pumpkin seeds, chicken, and chickpeas.

Source is obtained from the Web

Lastly, if you have any major problems, pls seek for professional hair experts if needed.  Two of my cousins have approached the hair professionals to deal with their massive hair loss.. they are only 26 & 27 respectively.. Sign... I'm worried too.  Do take good care of your hair ladies.

Little Tip:  If your hair smells after going to hawker centres or for some reasons, ur hair have this Smell.  You can prepare some plain water, squeeze some lemons or lime to it.  Pour them into a sprinzer & spray them onto ur hair, it can remove the smell & oil.  Best of all, you can also spray some onto ur face after a long day outside.  It works the same like the Evian Mineral Water spray.  It can helps to rehydrate ur skin, revives ur makeup & keep you looking fresh. 


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