10 Day You Challenge - Day 10 Secrets

Jan 02, 2012 20:40

I'd like to pump some blood back into this ol' journal so I'm going to try this challenge I've seen around the blog-o-sphere. Feel free to join in!

*found this graphic through a google search and I'm not sure why there's any upside down cross, but we're gonna go with it!

  1. I've only been fired from one job and it was because I called in sick the day of my shift to go see a concert with my ex-boyfriend. I had tried to find someone to cover for me and couldn't so it was pretty obvious what happened!
  2. I look into the tissue after I blow my nose. My mom had me do this when I was younger to check for sinus infections and I still do it. It totally grosses out my husband. :)
  3. When I was in first grade, I stole a Twix bar out of a girl's lunchbox and ate it under my sweater in the back of the room with a friend. I still feel guilty about this.
  4. My parents lied on my SCUBA class certification paperwork so I could be certified a year earlier so we could dive together on vacation.
  5. When I was little I wrote some really bad New Kids On The Block fanfiction.
  6. I am 33 years old and still can't write or follow a budget.
  7. I tried space cakes when I lived in Amsterdam.
  8. I don't feel like I'm living up to my potential.
  9. I am so tired of moving.
  10. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

10 day challenge

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