Gabe's 4 Month Letter

Feb 21, 2011 09:56


Dear Gabe,

This has been such a busy, busy month for us! First your Nonno Luigi came from Italy to stay with us and watch you while I go to work. I went back to work on 10 January and we're going to be moving to a new city, Haarlem this week! So many changes and to be honest it appears to have overwhelmed you a bit.

We've really struggled to get you to sleep. We've finally got you to nap regularly during the day but it is in your stroller, which you will soon outgrow! At night you will go to sleep in your crib but usually end up in our bed from midnight until you wake up (which is anytime between 6:45 - 8:00). You have not yet slept through the night, the most you'll sleep is 4 hours at a time. We tried putting you in another room or having you stay in your crib but it just made everyone so miserable. Having you in our bed it comfortable for all of us and we all sleep better...for now. I'm really hoping to get you into your own room once we move.

You're eating really well, about 6oz every four hours. The nurse at the consultie bureau says you're growing really well. You weight about 14 lbs and are 2 feet long! You had another round of vaccinations this month and did really well. In fact, you barely cried. My brave boy!

You're still such a sweet, happy, lovey baby. We can always tell when you've had a good nap because you wake up with a huge smile on your face. You smile at everyone and several people have commented on how happy and friendly you are. You love playing with your pappa and nonno and snuggling with mama. You've rolled over from your tummy to your back a couple of times and you can sit up on your own for a few seconds. You love standing up and holding our hands or leaning on the ottoman in the living room. You're very curious about sounds and lights. One of your new favorite activities is sitting in your Bumbo with the tray attached and looking and listening to the light up/singing Dutch lullaby book that my friend JoAnne gave you.  You still love bouncing in your jumperoo. You look adorable when you do it, like an old sailor doing a jig.

You’ve grown out of almost all of your 3 month clothes and are wearing mostly 3-6 months or size 68. I can’t believe how fast you’re growing. Your eyes are still blue and we’re starting to think they will stay that way.

You’re quite the chatterbox and will often lay on the bed just babbling away to us, especially to Nonno. This month you also learned how to blow raspberries and will sit doing that for quite some time. In fact, when I went to visit a friend you sat on her couch just blowing raspberries for a good ten minutes! It was adorable! Speaking of visiting friends, you also went with us to Haarlem and met up with your friend Liam from our birthing class. During dinner the two of you were interacting and actually started to hold hands. It was so precious!

You and Liam

You love being out, especially if you’re being carried in the sling. You’re really just a baby that loves to be cuddled and loved. I hope you stay that way and keep your happy easy going nature. I am sure enjoying seeing you learn new things every day!



gabriele, montly letter

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