Gabe's 2 Month Letter

Dec 04, 2010 21:43

Dear Gabe,

What an incredible month this has been for you! So many things have happened and they're all wonderful.

This month you had your first doctor's appointment and you did great! The doctor said you looked happy and healthy. You thanked her for that news by peeing on her examining table. You're still a small guy and measuring below the national average but by your second doctor's appointment you were just barely under the national average line! You're growing so fast. In fact, I've had to pack up all of your newborn clothes and you're fitting into 3 month clothes!

Speaking of clothes, you have quite the wardrobe. Daddy's company sent you some cute outfits like this shirt with your name on it:

And this adorable onesie featuring a character from the video game your dad is making:

Grandma and Grandpa Marchese sent you some great Halloween outfits for your first Halloween. And your Grandma and Grandpa Boluk sent you this insanely cute bear hat:

You love going out. So far we've been on two outings with the Amsterdam Mama's group and we try to go see Daddy at least once a week for lunch. We've discovered that you do much better going out for a long time if we're wearing you. You tend to get more fussy after awhile in your stroller. Your dad loves wearing you around town and showing you off:

At Daddy's work for lunchtime

I will even wear you around the house so I can get some work done on the days you just want to be held all of the time. The Moby Wrap has definitely been one of my best baby purchases!

We also started baby massage classes with Karen, the same instructor we had for our birthing class. You love massage time! I give you a massage every night before bedtime and you just love it! We started a bedtime routine with you this month and so far you're adapting very well to it. We start around 8 pm and give you a massage, then you eat, we read you a story, sing you a couple of songs, swaddle you and put you in your crib. We turn on the mobile that Grandma and Grandpa Boluk gave you. Usually after two rounds of the mobile, you are passed out. I am very proud that you're able to put yourself to sleep without crying. Now, if I could get you to sleep more through the night, then we'd be golden!

You still love to play and your favorite place to play is on your nakey mat that princessbunny gave you. You're quite the little exhibitionist and love being naked. Sophia often watches over you while you play. You've already rolled over from your stomach to your back!

Other big things that have happened are that you no longer cry when we're changing your diaper and you're finally in cloth diapers full time. We had to wait until you were big enough to wear them.

You can hold your head up enough to sit in the Bumbo chair.

And the absolute best and biggest milestone is that you're smiling!!! Full blown big open gummy mouthed smiles! No matter how tired dad and I are, it completely melts our hearts and makes us smile back. You also love copying the funny faces we make. Your favorite is when we stick our tongues out at each other. It makes me laugh so hard and you give me a huge smile. Sometimes, I'll be holding you and when I look down you have a huge grin on your face and then you'll stick out your tongue. Kills me everytime!

You continue to amaze us everyday and we're so grateful to have you in our lives. I can't believe how fast and big you're growing! You've already put on 4 lbs. I think by the time Nonno Luigi sees you again in January you'll have doubled your birth weight. You continue to be a sweet loving baby.

All of my love,

gabriele, monthly letter, month 2

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