Purple Fairymoon Flowers, are you kidding me?!?!

Jul 31, 2008 22:35

I am so sore from dancing today. Dan is even  more sore seeing as he went to four hours worth of Capoeira classes yesterday. He loves it, and he is getting lots of muscles!

It was funny because I always see this one guy at the bar every Wednesday night. He is a very....enthusiastic dancer. Everyone tends to give him a wide berth for personal safety. Last night, Alli commented that he looks like he's on speed. Well today in the car, I was describing him and Dan knows him from his Capoeira classes. Apparently the guy is the same way there as the club. During their matches, he is constantly flailing about. It made me laugh that he knew who he was based on my description of his dancing. When we came home, he showed me his picture on MySpace and sure enough, it is the same guy!

Today was a very productive day.
One of Dan's co-workers also does landscaping for a living. She came over to help us figure out how to add curb appeal to our place. She got me really excited and hopeful for all the things we can do. In our front yard, we will add some low growing plants between our pine trees and create a bed. This will made it look planned and not like just four random pine trees growing in our yard. She also gave us ideas for fixing the bed in front of our front window. We need to clear our the four palm trees (along with all the sad shrubs along the front of our house). Fortunately our neighbor offered to do that because he wants the plants. This made me even happier because we aren't killing them, just relocating. In the front bed, we need to remove the rocks and put down mulch. Then we can add in some more plants. She recommended we put a border of rocks around the house with plants in front. She said this will help keeps bugs away from the house.

For the backyard, she recommended we leave our chainlink fence, or at least the very back part. She suggested growing honeysuckle or night blooming jasmine on it to cover the ugly metal. If we put in a privacy fence we can extend it to the ditch and use the chain link as a barrier to keep the dogs out of the vegetable and fruit garden.

We are also hoping to create a patio out our back door. We will add a pergola with some sort of spreading flower at the top for shade. I am going to have container gardens on the patio with herbs in them.

I am so excited! Granted this project is going to take a long time and quite a bit of money, so it will be awhile before we get it where we want it. But at least I have some definite ideas!

Now that Alli is officially back on our fourth grade team, I am hoping to get together with her and another co-worker to plan for this year. Tomorrow night is also the first movie night!

Its fun having a life again.


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