Sep 25, 2005 12:56
An update... let's see. It's been a while. That's for sure.
Well, I can't believe I've a junior in college now... it still hasn't officially hit me, yet. I know that that's not really that big of a deal, but in a way, it is. I'm 20 years old... and I feel like I'm doing pretty good at accomplishing things I've set out to do... thus far, anyway.
I've realized that I've changed a lot in the past 10 years. I know everyone changes a lot in 10 years, between 10 and 20 years old, but I've really done a complete 180. I keep finding my friends that I had in elementary school on MySpace and FaceBook.. and I never know exactly where to start when I tell them what I've been doing and what I've been up to the past 10 years. I usually just make it short, and to the point. "We moved to FL.. hated middle school... high school was ok, I was in band.. I love college. I have a boyfriend of a year, he's great. what about you?" That's usually how it goes. Like I said, short and sweet. Though there are so many details that have happened that have changed me as a person that I leave out. I doubt I will ever eventually get to telling them... they're probably not going to go any further than a myspace friend, but we'll see. We'll see.
As for school.. it's actually going really well. I finally like my classes, and feel the need to strive for something. Anthropology is really very interesting, and I'm learning a lot. It makes me excited to think. Though, that's not what I'm going to be when I grow up, it is something I find incredibly interesting. My real dream career, which will happen, is to be a librarian. Yes yes, laugh it up, but if you really think about it... it makes sense, don't you think? Those of you who know me? I think it does. Not a librarian in a school.. but in a public library. I think it's perfect. Unfortunately there's no bachelor degree for Library Science... so I get a degree in any liberal arts major, and then I have to go get my Masters in Library Science. :) I love it.
Work is going really well too. This is the first place I've worked for longer than 2 months and still really liked it. I'm still at Maggie Moo's. About 5 months now. It's a lot of fun. I ::heart:: almost all of the girls I work work. I could do without one girl, but who can't, right? Oh, and I could do without the boss, Ken, as well. ::shrugs:: Oh well. We can't win 'em all, right? I just choose not to work with Ken. He only works Wednesday and Saturday nights, so I tell him I'm not available to work those nights, so I don't. Heheh.. I beat the system. Though, a couple other girls say the same thing. I love the manager, Sha, though. She's awesome. She's been through a lot, though. She moved here in the 70s from Pakistan, and has been trying to make a place for herself. Her sister and brother-in-law live here, too... so she's not completely alone. Her brother, one who still lives in Pakistan, was killed about a month or so ago. He was big into politics I guess, and he was found floating in the river, with his mouth taped shut, and his hands tied behind his back. Ken said he figures that Sha's brother stepped on someone's toes over there, and they didn't like it. Sha was a trooper though. She's one of the strongest people I know. Like I said, she truly is amazing.
I've made some new friends this year... some with the help of work, and some through Nick. Yes, I still hang around with that bum... ;) heheh.. Brianne, his... uh.. exgirlfriend (for now), she and I had been talking a lot over the summer.. and we finally started hanging out. We're a lot alike, it's almost scary. Though she's more outspoken than I am, I'm getting to be able to talk back to her. heheh. Another person I hang out with a lot is Paul, Nick's suitemate. Paul is a lot like the way I was a couple years ago. Introverted, but will tell you his life story if you'll only sit and listen to him long enough. He's another one who's been through a lot, but he's come out stronger in the end. He's a neat kid, too. :) So lately it's been the 4 of us who hang out a lot. Last night we went to dinner and a movie.. we saw the Constant Gardener. It was amazing. Incredibly depressing, but... eye opening. Seriously.
Dylan is another subject. He and I have been together for about a year now. I can't believe I was able to hold a relationship for this long. Seriously. Though, I must admit it's not easy. We lived together over the summer, and that was the best time I've had in probably my life. I loved almost every minute of it. Maybe except for the little spats we had, but who doesn't, right? Now he's in Sarasota living with his mom, so it's making it really difficult. To go from living with your significant other, to living an hour away from them... is quite a shock to the system. We do have some problems, but all in all we're making it work. Whenever people ask about how we're doing, I always say we're hanging through the grit of our teeth. We know we work for eachother, it's just the actual relationship that's the hard part. We refuse to let eachother go, though... which is good. Love is tough, but it's amazing. I do love him. With all my heart I love him. I know that for a fact.
My family... whew. My grandparents just went through their 50th anniversary. Now, most of you know that my Uncle and my father do not speak, and they haven't in.. oh.. 15 years, or so. Well, we went to church, and the Priest blessed their marriage, adn afterwards we went to Outback for dinner. There were 8 of us. My grandparents, my parents, my aunt and uncle, and Dylan and me. I was very surprised that we were able to go through dinner without fighting, or arguing, or being awkward. It was really a good time, for once. :) And good food.
Hm... I'm now living in Dylan's old apartment... in his old room to be exact. With one of his old roommates, Kim. April is our other roommate. Kim and April have been friends for a while, and Kim and I got to be pretty good friends when Dylan lived here.. so it works. April and I barely talk/see eachother. I'm home alone most of the time, and it's kinda nice. It's like having my own apartment, though I have to deal with other people's messes which kinda sucks, but I can live with it.
I joined Big Brother's Big Sisters. My little, Jessica, is 8 years old. She's a little blonde haired, blue eyed white girl. I meet her at a local park once a week, and I help her with her homework, and we play games and stuff. This is one of the most rewarding experiences I've had in my life. She is wonderful, and makes me happy. She's repeating the first grade because she can't read, so I'm helping her. It's the librarian in me that wants her to like books, I guess.. heheh. She's always so happy to see me, and so sad to see me go. I heart her, and I know this is something she'll remember forever. I know I can't change the lives of all of the kids, but I can start with her. I've changed her life. That alone will make an impact on the world. The children of today, and our children are going to be the ones who are going to change this country... so we'd better be good to them, and teach them well.
I think that's about it, really. That's pretty much every aspect of my life at the moment. I have to work today at 2, so I'm going to go start getting ready.
I hope everyone else is doing as well. :)