its weird,,
its weird how fast you can gain a friend,
how fast you can get close to that friend,
its weird how sometimes,
you feel like they are the only ones who can help you,
the feeling of happines when around them,
the feeling of security,
your only hope,
and then you turn around for a second,
and they're gone,
gone forever,
so easily,
too easy..
only by a little saying that went wrong,
completely wrong,
lost happiness,
because of a horrible day where everything went wrong,
especially to me,
why me?
sometimes its too much,
and i fall apart,
really bad too,
what used to help me was thinking about the happiness the friend makes,
the happiness that keeps you alive,
to keep trying,
to keep wanting,
wanting to live,
but then when you lose this friend,
its like the whole world falls apart,
nothing matters anymore,
no one,
because he's gone,
forever and ever,
and yourejust wanting to sleep forever,
because youve lost the special friend,
the friend you loved so much,
the one that kept you alive,
the one that you thought cared about you,
youve lost the happiness,
the happiness that makes you smile,
that keeps you alive,
but not anymore,
he's gone,
and how you can miss someone,
and so badly too,
its horrible,
because all you want to happen is for him to come back,
to come back and forget about what happened,
the horrible things,
for him to realise that youve changed,
youre life have changed,
but it wount happen,
because he doesnt care,
and probably never did,
so why care?
everything is lost,
and you dont care anymore,
care about living,
care about anything,
just thinking,
thinking about dying,
about ending the horrible things,
that youve messed up,