After the hit musical “Prince of Tennis”, actors Nakagauchi Masataka, Sato Hisanori, Fujiwara Yuki, and RUN&GUN’s Miyashita Yuya have come together to create the rock band 4STRIKE, which will debut on September 26th.
The four members will be holding 15 performances throughout October in Tokyo and Osaka. During this stage play, titled ‘4STRIKE’, they will create their rock band. The soundtrack of the play will be released as a mini-album of the same name.
In the band, Nakagauchi is in charge of guitar and vocals, Sato is in charge of keyboard, Fujiwara is in charge of bass, and Miyashita is in charge of drums. However, each of the members will sing the vocals for the track they’ve personally written lyrics for
On the 29th, the band will be at Ikebukuro’s Sunshine City to hold a talk live and handshake event.
[‘4STRIKE’ Track List]
1. Yet to come (Vocals: Nakagauchi Masataka)
2. Breakthrough (Vocals: Sato Hisanori)
3. Go way! (Vocals: Fujiwara Yuki)
4. Carry on (Vocals: Miyashita Yuya)
5. Akashi (Vocals: Nakagauchi Masataka)