
Apr 11, 2004 14:16

What time is it?: 1:50
What is the date?: April 11, 2004
Why are you filling this out?: I don’t know I am bored
-*-*YoU yOu YoU*-*-
Full name: Sara LuMetta
Do you like it?: Sometimes…except my first name is so common and a lot of people can’t pronounce my last name for some reason.
Nicknames: Bera, Sara Bera, Natural, Angel, Super Sara, Mom
If you could change your first name, what would it
be?: I dunno…something unique
(same as above) middle name?: .. Hmm I don’t think I would change it
DOB: 09/02/86
Height: 5'8
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: hazel…I get yellow and blue in them sometimes
Where do you live?: Hawthorne
Do you like it there?: yea its cool
Why/Why not: there’s a lot of hot guys lol. Naive people think im going to kill them lol!
Where were you born?: Torrance
Astrological sign: Virgo!

Parents names: Greg and Marsha (I know I know, I get it a lot)
Do you have any siblings?: yea...Megan is 21 and Alex is 12
Pets: A dog
Names: .. Karizma.
Do you like your family?: yea they are all right. My sister and I are really close
Favorite relative: Um I don’t know.

Number: 7, 15
Color: Black and red
Car: Lincoln Navigator on 24’s
Season: Winter or Summer
Holiday: Halloween, Passover, or Christmas
Month: September (my bday) or May
Day of the week: Sat
Grade so far: 12th
Sport: Football or swimming or basketball
Class: Math or Appreciating the Arts
Teacher so far: Mr. Mellis
Drink: Water
Candy: Any gum
Food: Fish or Mexican food
Fruit: Apples, Mango
Veggie: Potato ?..
Dessert: Vanilla ice cream on hot apple pie
TV show: I don’t really have one.
Radio station: I usually don’t listen to it.
CD: don’t have a favorite
Movie: American History X and Butterfly Effect
Actor: Johnny Depp
Actress: None really.
Song: don’t have one
Word: damn (inside joke)
Phrase: Was he like whoa? (Another inside joke)
Animal: Tiger or Monkey
Flower: Rose
Clothing store: None
Article of clothing: Jeans
State (that you’ve been to): Ca
Ice cream flavor: Vanilla or Cookies n Cream
Breakfast food: Pancakes

-*-*ThIs Or ThAt*-*-
Me/You: You
CD/Cassette: CD
Radio/CD: CD
Slow dance/Freak dance: both lol
Gap/Old Navy: Gap
Nsync/BSB: ..Throw down
Britney/Christina: ..bleh.
Love/Lust: Love
Gone In 60 Seconds/The Fast and the Furious: The Fast and the Furious
Inside/Outside: Outside
Lipstick/Lip gloss: Lip gloss
Silver/Gold: Silver
Piercings/Tattoos: Piercings
Football/Basketball: Football
Thunder/Lightning: Lightning
This/That: That

Who is your best friend(s): Krystal, Lina, George, and Jeannette,
Do you get along with people easily?: Yeah
Why/Why not: 'Cause I'm so damn cool. Lol well not really but I am very nice
Who have you known the longest?: Lina.. since kindergarten(Aww.)
Who do you dislike the most?: shelly (not a friend and I don’t dislike her I HATE her).
Was your crush/bf/gf a close friend before you liked them?: sort of
Craziest: Jeannette
Loudest: Krystal
Funniest: Everyone
Quietest: Me most of the time
Sweetest: Christine
Most caring: Everyone
Best dressed: George or Jason
Biggest flirt: Lina, Jeannette, Me
Most likely to have a 2 year relationship: George and Jeannette (n angel)
Cutest couple: Angel and Jeannette
Most athletic: Lina or Krystal or no wait its Samira
If you were stuck with only 2 friends, who would you pick and why?: I would have to have the four amigos…me, krystal, Lina, and Jeannette…but then I would need George so I don’t know lol.
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