The Way That You Kiss On Me

Jan 08, 2012 02:08

Title: The Way That You Kiss On Me

Pairing(s): Louis/Harry, Zayn/Louis, Liam/Niall, Zayn/Harry, Niall/Louis, Zayn/Liam, Liam/Harry, Niall/Zayn, Harry/Niall & Louis/Liam.

Rating: PG

Word Count: 2.533

Disclaimer: This is complete fiction and I do not own any of them.

Summary: A series of ficlets depicting a kiss between every possible pairing within One Direction.

The Way That You Kiss On Me


The questions reach an end and the boys exchange final goodbyes with the interviewer before making their way outside. A blue gate is the only barrier between them and the screaming fans and they approach it with smiles, posing for pictures and signing autographs. Minutes later, their security guards inform them that it’s time to go and with apologetic smiles, they make their way towards the cars.

An unspoken agreement passes between the five boys. Liam, Zayn and Niall head towards the first one while Harry and Louis dawdle behind until the next car comes along. They wave one last time to the fans before getting in.

The second the doors close, the two gravitate towards each other, arms slipping around waists and fingers curling in hair. Lips press together almost frantically and Louis bites while Harry moans.

“Its torture keeping myself away from you” Harry pants as they finally pull away for air.

“I know” Louis replies before initiating another kiss, wishing it could go on forever.


Blue eyes peek into the bedroom and a satisfied smile appears at seeing the still sleeping figure. Shutting the door quietly, Louis pads across the room and stops at the foot of the bed where Zayn lays spread eagled. He smiles before carefully sitting next to the slumbering boy and leans down close to Zayn’s ear.


The Bradford boy’s eyes snap open with a start, heart hammering and ears ringing.

“What the hell Louis?!” he shouts.

Louis lounges next to him, unaffected by the outburst. “Liam says we have to be at the studio in an hour so I came to wake you” he explains calmly.

“Was the yelling necessary? Couldn’t you have just prodded me awake?”

Louis shrugs, “This way was more fun.”

Frustrated, Zayn grabs the nearest thing at hand - his pillow- and whacks Louis’ head. He goes in for another hit but Louis reacts quickly, grabbing the other pillow and dealing his own blow. The fight continues, ending with the pillows on the floor and Louis straddling Zayn’s waist.

“Look who came out victorious” he comments smugly, keeping a firm grip on Zayn’s hands.

“Let me go you twat!”

“Not until I get a kiss.”

Zayn scoffs, “Like I would kiss you after what you put me through”. He wiggles around to emphasise his point.

Louis pouts, “What if I promise to be the best boyfriend ever and make you a delicious dinner tonight?”

Zayn scoffs, “I’m not Niall. You can’t bribe me with food.”

“I’ll make my famous chicken.”


Louis grins triumphantly, swooping down for a kiss. Lost in each other, a blaring ringtone brings them back to reality.

“That will be Liam” Louis groans, “We need to go.”

“One last kiss?” Zayn requests with a hopeful smile.

It doesn’t take much persuasion for Louis to consent.


The blazing sun beats down but the tree they are under provides enough shade to shelter them from the heat. Their picnic spot is in a secluded area where noises of children shrieking and dogs barking seem miles away. The two boys feel detached from the rest of the world, captured in a moment where nothing else matters but them.

Niall can’t remember a more perfect day and he doesn’t think he’ll ever want to share moments like this with anyone else.

“I love you” he whispers, not wanting to break the spell they are under. It’s the first time he’s said it and there should be nerves involved but there aren’t. The words slip easily across his tongue and everything in him tells him that it’s right.

Liam smiles, bright and happy, and Niall doesn’t wait for him to say it back because he can already see it reflected in those shining brown eyes. Instead, he leans in for a kiss.


The bottle’s spin comes to a halt, the first half pointing towards Zayn.

“Truth” he says instantly.

Groans erupt from the rest of the group.

“That’s the third time” Louis complains, “Come on man, live a little. Even Liam’s being more adventurous than you!”

Liam, Niall and Harry join in and Zayn remembers his teacher’s advice - Don’t give in to peer pressure - but he knows he’s fighting a losing battle.

“Fine” he succumbs, “Dare.”

The devilish smirk that crosses Louis’ face makes him want to take the words back but he knows there’s no point in trying.

Louis slowly looks around the room, his eyes landing on Harry. The younger boy gulps.

“I dare you to kiss Harry.”

Niall and Liam whoop with excitement while Zayn flushes a deep red. Harry settles on glaring at his best friend. ‘I hate you’ he mouths but Louis, as usual, remains unperturbed.

Rolling his eyes, he turns back towards the tanned boy, who doesn’t seem to want to move. Harry decides to shift instead and crawls forward nervously. Zayn does a good job of looking anywhere but at the curly haired boy approaching him, staring at the floor until he can’t avoid it any longer.  Harry offers a comforting smile and Zayn reciprocates with a weak one. They move together, lips meeting halfway.

The kiss is light and quick at first but then deepens. A warm feeling settles in the pit of his stomach and Zayn presses forward, hungry for more. However, the green eyed boy pulls away, leaving him disappointed.

A mumbled “Later” from Harry lifts his spirits back up and while he returns to his place, Zayn grabs the bottle with a grin.

“My turn.”


The dark liquid passes his lips, travelling down his throat and leaves a pleasant burn in the pit of his stomach. He’s lost count of how many glasses he’s ordered but he knows he hasn’t had as much as the others, nowhere near.  He scans the gyrating crowd for his friends but doesn’t spot them anywhere. Not wanting to be alone, he leaves the bar and goes in search of them.

Niall is the first one he finds but it’s not a pleasant sight that meets his eyes. A dark haired guy is standing entirely too close to the blonde and whispering in his ear. His words cause Niall to blush and giggle and Louis’ insides twist unpleasantly. A burn that has nothing to do with the previously consumed alcohol courses through him and he pushes his way forward.

Pulling the guy away from Niall, he says, “Sorry mate, but he’s mine.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah” he replies before turning to his bandmate.

Niall grins at him, skin flushed and pupils dilated. Louis doesn’t think twice before kissing him. He expects shock or hesitance from the other boy but is surprised when Niall responds immediately and eagerly. The guy huffs before walking away and Louis smiles triumphantly against Niall’s lips.


Rain falls and mingles with the tears streaming down his face. His feet splash into puddles, wetting his jeans but he doesn’t care. Nothing matters, not when his heart is breaking. Everything seems trivial except the pain ripping through his chest.

“Liam wait!”

He has no intention of doing so, not until a hand wraps around his and pulls him to a stop.

“Don’t touch me!” he yells, tearing it away and taking a few steps back, wanting to put as much distance between them.

“Liam-“ Zayn tries to say more but his voice breaks, “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry isn’t enough Zayn, not this time. I’m done.”

There’s a finality in his voice that’s never been there before and Zayn panics. He can’t lose Liam, not yet. He’s not sure what he would do without the other boy. He knows he’s made mistakes and he hates himself for it, especially as Liam has already given him enough chances in the past. But he also knows that without Liam, he’s nothing.

So Zayn fists Liam’s shirt between his hands and smashes their lips together in a rough, desperate kiss, hoping against hope that it won’t be their last.


As the movie comes to an end, the still awake boys shift around restlessly. Liam makes sure to keep his movements to a minimum as Harry’s head rests on his shoulder, the younger boy fast asleep. Zayn mumbles his goodnights and leaves while Louis picks up a sleeping Niall without any difficulty and carries him to his room. He returns with a blanket and hands it to Liam before switching the TV off and making his way to his room.

Liam clutches the blanket between his hands but doesn’t move. He turns to his side and admires Harry while he sleeps, curls falling across his shut eyes and lips parted slightly as he breathes.

An idea strikes him and before he can chicken out, Liam presses a light to kiss to Harry’s lips. The younger boy doesn’t wake and Liam exhales in relief. He then manoeuvres himself so that he can lay Harry down on the couch before tucking the blanket around him.  He lets his fingers brush through Harry’s hair before turning to leave.

With his back turned, Liam doesn’t see Harry’s eyes flutter open or hear the happy sigh that escapes him.


Rain pelts against the window, each drop making a loud noise as it comes into contact with the glass. In the last hour, the weather has gone from bad to worse and Liam senses Zayn getting increasingly worried.

“He’ll be here soon” he assures but the other boy doesn’t seem to be listening.

Liam sighs. His phone beeps and he stares at the message, weighing his options before finally coming to a decision.

“I’m going to Louis and Harry’s. You should join us.”

His only response is a shake of the head.

Once again, Liam sighs and moves to stand next to his friend. Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, he says, “Don’t worry so much, I’m sure he’s fine.”

Zayn remains silent, gaze fixed on the view outside the window and Liam squeezes his shoulder before leaving.

He doesn’t mean to be antisocial but it’s hard to think of having a good time when his boyfriend is supposed to be flying home in such terrible weather. It’s been a whole week since management gave them the week off and Niall decided to go to Ireland and spend time with his family. Zayn misses the blonde more than he thought he would and the desire to hold Niall in his arms is an overwhelming one.

A knock at the door produces a stab of annoyance and Zayn curses under his breath. Liam probably sent Harry or Louis to come drag him out. Zayn readies himself with his argument, opening the door with a scowl, but the sight on the other side causes all his preselected words to vanish.

Niall stands there, soaked to the bone with his T shirt clinging to his body and hair stuck to his forehead. His blue eyes peek from under his fringe and a slight smile plays on his lips.

“Hi” is all he manages to say before Zayn pulls him into a frantic kiss.

“I missed you” he mumbles against his lips.

Niall smiles, hugging him closer, “I missed you too.”


Silence fills the air as Harry sits by Niall’s hospital bed. The smaller boy lays there, eyes closed and skin paler than normal.  His blonde hair contrasts again the white of the pillow and Harry runs a hand through it, carefully pulling out the knots. His fingers move to trace the shape of Niall’s face, running over his eyelids, nose, lips, and coming to a rest against his left cheek.

Tears sting his eyes and the other hand clutching Niall’s tightens.

“Please wake up” he pleads softly, voice heavy with emotion, “Please don’t leave me.”

Liam, Zayn and Louis are just outside the door, sitting in plastic chairs and waiting for good news.  To Harry, that’s a comfort in itself, knowing that he’s not going through this alone, that he has three best friends to fall back on when the uncertainties get too much and he feels like he’s trapped in his own pit of despair.

But sometimes, even that it isn’t enough. Sometimes, all Harry wants is to shake Niall awake, to see those blue eyes staring up at him and that smile that could make even the darkest day better. He wants to see Niall laughing at Louis’ jokes, annoying Zayn with his constant blasting out of Michael Buble or Justin Bieber and hugging Liam just to bring a smile to the older boy’s face.

But most of all, he wants to say “I love you” and hear Niall say it back.

The door opens and Liam’s head appears around it, eyes red and cheeks blotchy. “It’s time to go” he whispers.

Harry nods and Liam disappears. He turns back to Niall and places a chaste kiss against his unresponsive lips. His tears drip down on Niall’s cheeks and he wipes them away.

A broken plea escapes him one last time before he squeezes Niall’s hand and leaves.


Being a part of One Direction for so long, Liam has gotten used to Louis’ oddities. It doesn’t faze him anymore when the older boy does or says something strange. No matter how bizarre, it just seems so typically him that Liam just ignores it. When it comes to Louis, he’s learnt that going with the flow is the best option.

Sometimes, however, Liam just can’t.

Louis stands on the roof of the building where the recording studio is situated. Liam looks at him with fear and trepidation welling up inside. The others laughed it off of course, believing that Louis would be fine, especially as the height between the roof and the ground below wasn’t too great. But Liam doesn’t feel the same. One miscalculated step and Louis could end up being seriously injured. Then what would they do?

“Louis, please get down from there.”

Naturally, the other boy doesn’t see the seriousness of the situation but instead smiles and says, “Relax Liam, I’ll be fine.”

“How can you know that for sure?” he asks, honestly curious as to how Louis can believe that.

“Because you’re here” Louis answers simply, “I know you won’t let anything happen to me.”

There is absolute trust lacing his words and Liam is pretty sure it’s entirely misplaced.

“If I fall, you’ll catch me.”

The unwavering certainty behind his words makes Liam’s head spin. He wants to say something, possibly about how wrong Louis is, but before he can, Louis says, “Like this” and moves to demonstrate.

As he passes over the edge, Liam feels himself being pulled two ways. While his legs move on their own accord and his arms rise up, the rest of him is screaming for him to close his eyes and avoid the terrifying scene.

But then Louis is in his arms, eyes sparkling and cheeky grin in place.  He says, “Told you” and goes to kiss Liam on the cheek but catches his mouth instead. It’s quick and chaste and by the time Liam’s brain catches up with what has happened, Louis is already skipping inside.

fandom: one direction, pairing: niall/liam, pairing: niall/harry, pairing: harry/louis, pairing: liam/harry, pairing: zayn/harry, fic, pairing: zayn/liam, character: harry styles, character: louis tomlinson, pairing: niall/louis, character: liam payne, character: zayn malik, character: niall horan, pairing: zayn/niall, pairing: liam/louis, pairing: zayn/louis

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