(no subject)

Nov 26, 2004 20:44

Having too much time to yourself makes you think things that you normally would not. All my friends are busy, whether with work or studies, and my family are too busy for me or are too lazy to spend time with me. Since holidays started and my work has ended, it's the same routine; wake up, clean here and there, occasional trips to Daddy's shop, shopping by myself, eat by myself, watch T.V... Everything that can be done alone, I've done it. That's right, I'm lonely, you can say that I'm quite desperate for some company. But I know I can't be so selfish as to ask my family and friends to drop whatever they are doing just to accompany me. Actually, I've felt this way since young, it's nothing new, just that it's wearing me down more than ever recently. No body has time for me, I have only me, and it's been like this in the past, it is now, and it will be in the future. No body loves me. No body wants me.
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