(no subject)

Mar 15, 2006 00:42

At this point in time I'm very much stressed out that I can't even eaxplain to you how shitty I feel. alot of it is because I'M NOT DOING my hw. Its not that I don't want to. Well I guess its because I don't want, buts just that I'm so burnt out that I don't care anymore. I can't take this bull shit anymore. And yes its really only just bull shit. I just keep thinking whats the point of doing all this shit if theres no enjoyment in the end. I guess I really just want a better reason to be here and all, something to look forward too. I have swing dancing now when I get the time too, as well as am just finishing up a new piece of mine thats kinda cool. I guess the last thing I need is a girlfriend. Its not that I need one, its just that I've been getting so lonely for one. I sit in my bed at night with my eyes closed alone listening to the rain gently tap at the roof and the only thing I want more than anything is to be cuddled up with my love. And no not just some girl, or any random girl; but someone I truely care about and feels the same about me. Someone that I can open up too entirely, and lets me inside too. Somebody I know so well I can her how shes feeling even if she doesn't know. Maybe I just have high hopes... IDK... I have art and hw to finish.
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