Jul 16, 2005 22:32
Yesterday: Where to begin.... 6:30am Work. I worked from 6:30 to 5:15 and it was great. The ac broke i had too many clients all in wheelchairs. I was lifting them in and out of vans and their chairs, messed up my knee in the process but couldn't limp becuase my other ankle was screwed up. Got peed on ( showered after... no worries) changed 6 diapers. But you know what? I absolutley love my job... i love it. I love the challenge, the constant thinking and creativity it requires. I even love the paperwork ( which is just sick cause there really is plenty of it) I can't wait to be a teacher, get paid( not much mind you) to do what i love.
My ultimate dream, of travelling to other countries, training people and schools to work better with special needs, is really getting printed in my heart. I wouldn't be going to third world or developing countries becuase in all reality they aren't even capable of providing nondisabled students proper education. But many countries in Europe and Asia have no special needs programs. These great individuals are left out to dry, along with their family's who care so deeply for them.
AFTER WORK: showered, made some phone calls, Went to get Liz. We went to downtown Minneapolis to the Subway aquatennial block party to see Ben Lee, Mike Doughty ( WOOT!), and Howie Day. It was hot... we were sweaty. A possibly inebriated women named Sharon tried to hook us up with her graying cousin. She made up a whole spiel about how we were her cousins and we were supposed to talk about her sisters and such.... it was a riot to be honest. The guy was a MIT grad, Triathlete, and AT LEAST in his thirties.Good times, he did have pretty eyes.... ;) So after we said to Sharon the code for ( we dont like him this is weird) which was "Hey Sharon we're going to get some cheese curds... say hi to your sisters"
Saw Bjorn, he's semi-dating a fricken gorgeous girl... good for him!! He really is a good guy, i always feel bad for the way i've treated him, but in all honesty it was necessary.
Mike doughty.... YAY LOVE IT!!!!!.
Howie day: we stood in the crowd, met a group of insanley awesome guys ( we were standing next to them, liz did the whole WADDUP!!!!! thing ) After the concert, we went to Bakers square with all of them. ( I fricken got emotional beat up by a motorcyclist... man and earlier i almost had a motorcyle dude run into me.. no joke, INSANITY!) Went to Bakers square, shared pie with Joey ( insanley attractive, funny, tall, marine... hmmm not much room for failure here...) Then Isaac, Joey, Liz and I ( in seperate vehicles) drive to what we thought was lake calhoun. Walked around a bit... wasn't lake calhoun. Tried to drive to possibly lake Calhoun, had a cop block off the road shine flashlights in our eyes and give us directions to lake calhoun. Ended up driving to Silver Lake in good ol North Saint paul ( represent) jumped in in our clothes, jeans a bit heavy.... Liz and Isaac got out and went to talk and such, Joey and i stayed.
Last night: freaking movie moment, if there had been sappy music playing in the backround... it would have been complete, to be honest i was humming in my head. Joey and i swam around and talked, then i got cold so he carried/spun me around. Amazing... AMAZING night... totally xanga worthy. We swam until 4 in the morning.
Insanley frustrating to meet an awesome guy that is FUN to be around and is a gentlemen THE DAY BEFORE I LEAVE. At least i have 2 new friends :) and i had an amazing night with Liz... and i saw Mike doughty...... yay mike doughty.
Came home, couldn't sleep... couldn't eat.. covered in sand. O did i mention i got naked in Liz's driveway... classic. got 1 1/2 of sleep and to be honest, that was enough.
Today: i load up my car, wash it and say the last and hardest of goodbyes.
Tomorrow: im off... EEK!