May 19, 2005 14:26
So for the past like 4 entries that i've started to type, someone has come downstairs and sat right in back of me reading what im writing, so i just deleted it. GOODNESS, im really looking forward to moving.... yeah.
Tedd and i had a really good " open the doors of communication" talk the other night, it was kinda funny. We decided that we're going to have a fake fight and he's gunna fake hit me... it'll be great. Actually we probably wont, and if we did we'd probably pee our pants laughing, i mean, let's be real here.
I went to see the midnight showing of Star Wars last night i was expecting costumes but man, people went all out IT WAS AWESOME! Alli and i were going to dress up as Princess Leufdjasfjklasdfj however you spell it. we were guna get the whole white body suit with the mini skirt over it brown belt thigh knife holder THE WHOLE SHEEBANG, but then we didn't cause we watched the seaon finale of Alias. There were two guys three, i think they wont the costume contest. One guy had a full wookie costume IT LOOKED AMAZING, and his buddy had a kick booty hans solo costume.... if only Alli and i had been princess leighthehfjkdasf we would have been the 4 coolest people there.
Bored bored bored, i went to Century and was about to sign up for some summer classes JUST TO HAVE SOMETHING TO DO! Then i figured i didn't knwo if they would transfer so it was kinda useless. Oh well, i'll just be bored. Im going to make another attempte at reading The People's history of the United States. Good book, i just have to read it. k my nephew is being adorable so im gunna go take pictures or something :)