ill miss you when your gone in pretending you meant the world to me...

Nov 17, 2004 15:52

oh man. yesterday i was sooo hyper. i skipped first period and homeroom, and went to bagleheads and then starbucks with amy and my brother, who is down from la. they once dated and wanted to see each other because its been a while. i just came along because amy invited me. anywho. at starbucks i drank like two big coffee things. a eggnog one and a white chocolate one. fdjaklfdjlafdj. crazyness. all my teachers thought i was on crack. then on the way dropping me off for school, we lost my brother on the interstate and he didnt have his phone. we were so worried because he doesnt know his way around and doesnt know our cell phone numbers. but he found his way back. woot. and i didnt get in trouble. im gonna go tho. gilmore girls is about to be on.
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