So someday I will actually post those lists I always refer to yet never actually create :{
But until then, I had to link to this awesome fic I came across recently.
How Did I get Here? -- (PG-13) by
rufusThis features MCR and PATD and Bob Bryar and Spencer Smith switch bodies! The author showed the relationships within the bands so well; and they nailed that outsiders' pov that both of the drummers' experience while in the others' body.
He settled on Gerard, in the end, and tapped out trapped in Spencer Smith's body, pls send help - Bob p.s. Im not me, don't know who's in there - bware of bdysntchrs. Pps. G yr nt drunk. He pressed send and watched the screen until he was sure it had gone through, then sent a similar message to Mikey, Frank, and Ray. Brian, he decided, could wait until later. Or possibly never.
bandomgen is a really great community. I think you guys should join it. Someone wrote Matches fic with Dr. Who tendencies....I need to read it ASAP!